Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A jury has been told that a woman accused of trying to kill her ex-boyfriend for the insurance money had no motive .
2 I hope to arrange for the Broadcasting Committee to consider the issue at an early date .
3 Other than the s 92 remedy , it may be possible for the minority shareholder to petition the court under s 459 , CA1985 alleging ‘ unfair prejudice ’ .
4 Social factors of fundamental importance for the education system include the size of the population , its structure by age and sex , its distribution across nations and regions , its composition by social class and ethnic group and — not least — the ways in which any of these change from year to year .
5 It was often more rational for the cattle owner to accept the loss , or to take a different course of action .
6 The last three cases are also authority for the proposition that it is proper , though not obligatory , for the trial judge to tell the jury that , as well as going to credibility , good character is relevant when considering whether the defendant is the kind of man who is likely to have behaved in the way that the prosecution alleged .
7 From the previous experiment , given a text in which half of the correct words are absent , it is still possible for the syntax analyser to select the correct word ( if present ) in more than 82% of the cases .
8 It is time for the Park management to approach the Councils and the local residents to agree a scheme to stop the Park being used as a thoroughfare .
9 In terms of the metric functions of the Szekeres line element ( 6.20 ) , the gravitational field equations for the interaction region take the form ( 6.22 ) , and Maxwell 's equations are given by ( 6.21 ) .
10 In October 1986 a cabinet meeting on space policy , presided over by Prime Minister Jacques Chirac , confirmed France 's support for the ESA objective to develop an independent European programme for manned space flights ; it authorized the CNES to take up a 45 per cent stake in the preparatory Hermes programme .
11 The most astonishing aspect of the case was not that she had an understandable desire to disport herself in space , but that under the law as it stands a major general had to offer her an abject apology for the recruiting sergeant showing a welcome piece of common sense .
12 ‘ The death of Marcos offers a momentous opportunity for the Aquino government to rally the people behind the ideals which swept it to power : freedom and democracy , bread and justice .
13 the need for the DHA purchaser to hold a contingency fund for problematic health-related community care placements ;
14 He remembered the brackish stream where he had fished for pinkeens with — who was it , Tommy Murtagh and Seanin Carty ? — and the mercifully short walk to the National School that in good weather he made in bare feet over stony roads , with in winter a sod of turf for the schoolroom fire crushing the jam sandwich in his satchel .
15 The shooting of P C Dunn has again highlighted the problems faced by the police and prompted calls for the Home Secretary to reject the Sheahy proposals on police pay and conditions .
16 But is it lawful for the Home Secretary to have a different tariff from the judges ?
17 This was enough for the Home Secretary to send the case back for a fourth hearing to the Court of Appeal , with the recommendation that they summon Mathews as a witness to test his credibility .
18 Will the Leader of the House arrange for the Home Secretary to make a statement next week about political asylum fraud ?
19 I am glad that my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department gave a warm welcome to the principle of a national lottery when he spoke in the House the other day .
20 In the exercise of his power under section 61 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967the Secretary of State for the Home Department considered the date on which each applicant might be released upon licence .
21 Does the Minister agree that the next time one of these offenders comes before the courts for sentencing , if the sentence does not contain a deterrent element , bearing in mind the increase in this type of crime , it would be wise for the Home Office to seek the guidance of the Attorney-General so that the sentence can be referred to the Court of Appeal , which could then lay down a guideline sentence for this type of crime which contains a deterrent element ?
22 They would like all the refugees to go off to Newham and similar boroughs , and for the Home Office to hear no more about the matter .
23 Ferran Costa , a biologist for the Barcelona zoo attending the conference , ruled out toxic poisoning because 15 of the dolphins examined showed no trace of toxins .
24 The factor made by the other astrocyte cells is necessary for the progenitor cell to enter a programme of eight cell divisions which has an almost dance-like character .
25 It is possible , as shown , for the output effect to outweigh the substitution effect .
26 On 1 April , lawyers for the Barnes Foundation petitioned the Montgomery County Orphans Court for permission to amend the section to the indenture banning loans .
27 As to what steps may be effective to prevent a holding out , there may be some discrepancy between what will suffice for the Law Society to exempt a salaried partner from compliance with the professional rules already referred to and what the Court might regard as appropriate in proceedings brought by a creditor of the firm .
28 In contrast , however , the omission of information for the Westwood nunnery leaves the Worcestershire aggregate defective , while data relating to secular clergy in the Aylesbury hundreds of Buckinghamshire are probably inadequate .
29 Unfortunately , systematic , industry-side data is now a thing of the past for the port industry following the demise of the National Dock Labour Board and the National Association of Port Employers , so it is impossible to determine whether this is a specific or general phenomenon .
30 If you did n't do so when using the configuration file for the database creation , you should now update the header for the configuration file adding a new modification record with a development code , and scan both the configuration file and the package module until you get no errors .
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