Example sentences of "is only [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The key feature of all models of hysteresis is obviously present in the insider-outsider model : it is only during the process of adjustment from a higher to a lower level of employment that there will be significant downward pressure on the rate of increase of money wages and prices .
2 It is only during the time of waiting , wrote Harsnet , during the time without hope , that these things assume significance , only during the time without hope that one is conscious of them , that one remembers them with despair , that one anticipates them with dread .
3 The gentle ascending traverse belies the true nature of the clough , and it is only beyond a stile on the western bank of the steam bed that the deeply-cut nature of the ravine is revealed .
4 This kind of operation is only for the benefit of the firm .
5 Further , it is only for the kingdom of the Burgundians that there is evidence for anything like an all-embracing comital structure , and while most , if not all , Merovingian civitates must have had their comites , or in the north , their graphiones , in all probability local administration could vary according to regional tradition and to the will of an individual king , whose main concern was to ensure the loyalty of and to realize the revenues from his civitates .
6 The accommodation provided is only for the use of passengers shown on the Final Invoice as confirmed by us ; subletting , sharing or assignment is prohibited .
7 In Chapter II , the reference is only to the taking of ‘ evidence ’ , which is a well recognised function of consuls , as reflected , e.g. , in United Kingdom bilateral conventions and in the 1954 Convention , and not the performance of ‘ other judicial acts ’ ( regarded as exclusively judicial functions ) .
8 If I should wander into the uncharted minefield of personal opinion it is only with the benefit of hindsight .
9 It is only with the help of adult hindsight and historical analysis that I can detect a period charged with political tension , of doomed innocence in waiting .
10 But it is only with the chance of full-time work that this group can build up its rights to social insurance benefits , which prevents any further misfortune resulting in an automatic relegation to dependency on means-tested assistance .
11 But it is only with the development of the nation state that nationalism comes into existence .
12 It is only with the development of more radical differentiation in the decades around the turn of the twentieth century that it is possible to speak of a fully-fledged and optimally differentiated cultural modernity .
13 It is only with the possibility of the presence of matter with negative energy density that the focusing effect of colliding waves can be avoided .
14 Eliot , in The Use of Poetry , quoted Jacques Rivière : ‘ It is only with the advent of Romanticism that the literary act came to be conceived as a sort of raid on the absolute and its results as a revelation . ’
15 When there is indifference about the distribution of income ( parallel straight lines with a 45° angle to the x and y axes ) ; means that concern is only with the income of the poorest income unit ( the Rawlsian case ) .
16 No law can be unjust within his scheme since it is only with the establishment of law that one can distinguish between right and wrong .
17 It is only with the sequence of " fully centralised , circular and radial designs " that clear parallels are visible .
18 The temperatures deeper into Jupiter will certainly not fall below 170 K. Thus , although the measured value of 170 K is only at a pressure of 1 bar , the pressure-temperature path on the molecular hydrogen phase-diagram as we descend to higher pressures never crosses the line ending at the critical-point .
19 It is only at the foot of the aircraft steps , with the propellers starting to down out his protests , that Leonard discovers that Maria will not be coming with him to London .
20 Fael-Inis continued to play without ceasing , and the music spun and shivered and soothed , and across the slanting features there was a look of the utmost concentration now , for it is only at the invitation of a Mortal that the Lad of the Skins can enter a house and do his terrible work .
21 In Gray 's Elegy there is also a ‘ hoary-headed Swain' , who addresses a ‘ kindred spirit ’ ( to the dead poet ) ‘ led by lonely contemplation ’ ; there may be other parallels , but it must be conceded at this point that it is only at the close of Hartleap Well that Wordsworth approaches closely to Gray 's verse movement :
22 Cashier services are under more and more pressure and , although sometimes they are given assistance , it is only at the expense of other work .
23 It is only at the end of a session when creativity is exhausted that the results are subjected to criticism and appraisal and an attempt is made to analyse what has been suggested .
24 But the " theatricality " of the play works beneath the purely formal level : Lord Claverton has always acted a role and it is only at the end of his life that he allows his true human self to emerge , although
25 It is only at the end of the term of copyright that what has been protected passes into the public domain .
26 It is only at the end of the poem that Mariana finally despairs at the realisation that her lover will not come .
27 It is only on the basis of such a model that the government , which considers one of its basic functions to be the management of the economy , can predict what the effect will be of a change in one of its policies .
28 B : Well , the milkman has come It is only on the basis of assuming the relevance of B's response that we can understand it as providing a partial answer to A's question .
29 The application does nothing to retain the existing trees on the site , it was a , it is , a mature garden with some mature trees , and all those trees are to be removed , it certainly does n't do anything to retain the rural character of the na of the village , and certainly does n't enhance the character of the adjoining small er rural cottages , i in fact it would be , it could be argued that it damages the rural environment , because the development is such that it is more suited for an urban development , almost a city centre , because the comment has been made that there is only about a metre between the dwellings and indeed there is only a metre between the dwellings and the adjoining boundaries , surely there is a need for screening , it is in a in a very very prominent position , it can be seen clearly as you enter the village from the Farnsfield area , the present proposal does n't provide sufficient room for screening , and and like the screen which is adjacent to this building , which are set well back from the road , and provide an opportunity for screening the single access to the site and the fact that the frontage to these two properties is completely taken up with garaging and with vehicle access does n't even provide an opportunity to screen .
30 The island of Blefuscu is only about a kilometre to the north of Lilliput .
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