Example sentences of "is not [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These facts go a long way towards explaining why the bream is not generally recognised as a hard-fighting fish .
2 It is reasonable to assume that this is because the stereotype of the educated Jamaican Standard speaker is one that is familiar to children of Caribbean background but is not generally recognised in the white community .
3 However , what is not generally known by the public is that although you will be designing all these items , the finished work will he commissioned from outside studios in the case of advertisements and print work , while TV commercials will be made by independent production companies .
4 The process of making amends to others is in Step 9 and is not normally covered within a residential treatment centre but is left for later work with the support of the Anonymous Fellowship and guidance of a sponsor .
5 Why is the feral mink regarded as a pest , when in its native America it is not normally seen as a significant problem ?
6 ‘ There remain [ wrote Miss Edith Simcox , again in the early 1880s ] , … some ten millions of town workers , including all mechanics and labourers whose life is not normally overshadowed by the fear of ‘ coming on the parish ’ .
7 Supplementary benefit is a means-tested weekly allowance which is not normally paid for the striker himself , but for his family only .
8 ( I am not arguing that the Americans do not themselves engage in all manner of protectionist devices , but merely note that they do at least have an intrinsic belief in the benefits of Adam Smith 's hidden hand , a view which is not wholly shared on the Continent of Europe . )
9 A client is not easily detached from a solicitor who has been handling his affairs over a period of years , but a comparatively mild solicitation may deprive an insurance broker of valuable business which otherwise might safely be reckoned on for a period .
10 The deserts of the world which comprise this empty quarter demonstrate a sensitivity to human impact but one which is not easily separated from the effects of fluctuations in climate , as studies of arroyo development have clearly shown ( Cooke and Reeves , 1976 ) .
11 The oldest part of the farm lies at the rear of the farmhouse and is not easily seen from the road .
12 This represents a major problem because such an amount of continued convergence between two continents after collision is not easily accomodated within a simple plate tectonics model .
13 It expresses a mystique , is to a high degree culture-specific , can seem elusive , and is not easily reduced to the rules and agreed procedures of other disciplines .
14 This is not easily accomplished in a vast and amorphous federal bureaucracy , but Meese and his colleagues were more successful than most presidential staffs in bringing it about .
15 This galloping course will suit his action and he is not badly treated at the weights on his best form .
16 The MATIF 's eurodeutschmark future trades at much lower volume , and is presumably less liquid , than LIFFE 's equivalent product , even though the latter is not yet supported by an option .
17 However this still situates " him " in the present with respect to want — he is the object of a desire right now — whereas he is not yet involved as the agent of the event go .
18 The appearance of older people as the largest single patient group in most major medical specialisms is a fact which is not yet recognized by the training offered to medical and nursing staff .
19 The method is not yet permitted in the UK , but its practice on a limited basis is carried out in some 30 other countries in the world , and its introduction here is under discussion .
20 These trends might of course represent the beginning of a change in progress , but if this is so , it is not yet established as a pattern that we can show by our methods as regular , and so we can not demonstrate that it is a change .
21 If it appears useless then we have not yet understood its function in the order of things : it is not yet woven into a personally cohesive pattern of ideas and events .
22 Thus to is used with the infinitive both for the lexical and grammatical meaning it brings into the context : its lexical meaning of an approach to the infinitive event from a position before is called for by the relative position in time of the extra-infinitival spatial support with respect to the position occupied by non-ordinalized person at the beginning of the infinitive 's event ; its grammatical meaning as an establisher of a relation where the inherent mechanism of incidence is inoperative is called for by the fact that the event can not otherwise be represented as incident to the extra-infinitival support since the latter is not already situated at the beginning of the event , i.e. is not within the confines of event time .
23 No form of argument or persuasion is allowed ( eg criticism of the target 's board ) and the buyer ( and its advisers ) may not make any statement or otherwise make public any information in connection with the tender offer which is not already contained in the tender offer advertisement itself .
24 ( 6.3 ) unc One can change the name of a bound variable , provided the new name is not already used for a free variable .
25 Traditional Christian teaching has been removed from many schools and replaced by what may be in the minds of teachers clear and accurate material , but which is not infrequently received as a mish-mash of other religions and vague talk of spiritual development .
26 He is not even disturbed by the fact that his beard , monocle and considerable size are not always the ideal ambassadorial countenance for delicate first encounters between East and West .
27 At the hearing there is a right of audience for counsel or for the agent — usually exercised only by counsel , and indeed sometimes the parliamentary agent is not even involved at the inquiry stage .
28 He is not even denounced by the government .
29 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
30 Only one of the three warm-up competitions was against the clock — the other two both had jump-offs — and the winner of this , Alain Vaillancourt , is not even qualified for the cup .
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