Example sentences of "is not [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But he is not master of the weather that howls outside .
2 It is not part of the port but , although the sea laps against an area of sand , it is not a beach .
3 Carrying humans is not part of the llama lifeplan .
4 Indeed , I shall argue that while research is not part of the idea of higher education , it is presupposed by higher education .
5 Strictly speaking , learning as such is not part of the idea of higher education .
6 It has not been released for independent investigation or for investigation by BR experts , so it is not part of the evidence that is being considered at the BR internal inquiry now under way .
7 Darren Clarke can not defend the title he won so easily last season — because he 's not available to play in next Wednesday 's pro-am tournament which is not part of the championship but a social day out for the amateurs .
8 Although the firm may negotiate within pre-agreed negotiating parameters or instructions on behalf of a client , it is not part of the firm 's role to take decisions for a client .
9 Although the firm may negotiate within pre-agreed negotiating parameters or instructions on behalf of a client , it is not part of the firm 's role to take decisions for a client .
10 The Institute publishes economic forecasts for both the UK and the world four times a year in our ‘ Economic Review ’ , the production and dissemination of these forecasts however is not part of the performance financed by the ESRC Consortium ) .
11 As a result , the fact that they sprinted up the hill receives an emphasis which is not part of the interpretation of [ 31 ] , but is more like the one conveyed by [ 32 ] .
12 If , however , the landlord has absolute discretion to grant consent to the tenant 's exercise of a right , the reimbursement of the landlord 's costs is not part of the consideration for the landlord 's supply under the lease or licence to the tenant .
13 ( 5 ) It is not part of the bankruptcy process , nor should it be a part of the bankruptcy scheme , to ensure that bankrupts are prosecuted and the court should shrink from a construction of the statute that lends support to any such result .
14 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
15 The insurance premium is not part of the holiday price , and is not recoverable .
16 MAFF , without support from other Member States , have opposed the Article in its entirety however , arguing , rather spuriously , that ‘ forestry ’ is not part of the CAP .
17 And that test has to be applied to es each eyslate because this toxin is not part of the genome of Cherani bacteria diphtheria , it 's actually a farged mediated toxin , it 's actually encoded for by a bacteria farged .
18 It is specified that the explanatory note is not part of the Order .
19 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
20 The fact that it is not an essential part of the process of granting an advance in all cases that a basic valuation should be supplied by an employee of the society , does not mean that where the basic valuation is supplied by an employee its provision is not part of the process of administration .
21 The De Havilland decision demonstrates in stark form the fact that EC merger control is not part of the Community 's industrial policy , but is competition driven .
22 Francis Lee : ready to help Manchester City — but current chairman Swales is not part of the equation .
23 The first quotation affirms the transcendence of God , who is not part of the world 's furniture , like an idol in a shrine .
24 Clearly it is not part of the reason for any government 's authority that it should pass unjust or immoral laws .
25 The water is not part of the Canal ; the model was tested in an adjacent field where the topography was convenient .
26 I am not sure how it achieves this as all CDs start from the inside and it is not part of the table of contents ; in any case it one puts a small size CD in an adaptor ring the machine still knows you have done it — something I must look into .
27 This is not part of the project plan but an aid to the project leader in creating one with an adequate safety margin .
28 It is not part of the cause of action .
29 Unlike John Major and his soapbox , it is not part of the image .
30 It should be noted that , in particular , the percentage completion is a difficult subjective judgement , probably made by the project leader , and is not part of the program .
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