Example sentences of "is that [det] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I think erm there is a erm a size issue that enters into that particular consideration , erm clearly erm if you build a small new settlement very close to an existing large settlement , then the prospects for that being reasonably self contained are much reduced to that of a larger new settlement in the same location , and I would agree that the further in in general the further you move away from an existing centre then the likelihood is that that settlement will become more self contained .
2 The rationale is that such behaviour may make life intolerable ; and that , if indeed it does , the offended partner is entitled to say that the marriage has broken down .
3 One obvious problem is that such imagery may lead us to undervalue the significance of the impersonal , particularly if we treat it somehow as the valueless first rung on the ladder of being .
4 From a theoretical point of view it does n't matter how long the game is ; the important thing is that neither player should know when the game is going to end .
5 A working party was set up last July to advise on this University 's contribution to IY , and one of its recommendations , approved by Senate at its meeting of November 18th , is that each Faculty should nominate a member of staff to ‘ shadow ’ some person employed at senior management level in local manufacturing industry , nominated through CRUM , in the course of the winter term .
6 What is essential to this mode is that each country should communicate via some agency of central government located in that part of the state 's apparatus which is concerned with the administration of justice .
7 The only requirement regarding the software itself is that each file should contain a module header .
8 The first assumption is that each cell can accommodate only a single reach or segment of a stream , and the stream can therefore move through each cell only once .
9 The reason for this is that each party can count on the votes of its committed supporters ; what each wants to do is to capture the votes of those perceived as occupying the middle ground between the parties .
10 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
11 What it does mean is that each employer will identify a specific number of vacancies which will be reserved for Compact graduates before being offered more widely .
12 The first rule of any intelligence network , of course , is that each agent should know as little as possible .
13 The second attribute is that each paragraph should have as a first sentence a brief statement or at least an indication of what the paragraph is to consider .
14 The essence of such a tenancy is that either party may determine it at will .
15 First , Nicholas Budgen , the somewhat maverick right-wing Tory MP , said on 5 December 1984 when receiving the Spectator Backbencher-of-the-Year Award , ‘ My hope is that this Parliament will see a restoration of Cabinet government . ’
16 One possibility under consideration is that this assessment may take the form of a project or assignment to be completed by the candidate .
17 His starting point is that this structure will have the form of a grammar .
18 are really making is that this period may seem trivially small compared , say , to the sinkage of capital involved in the decision to build and operate a power station .
19 All that matters to me is that this technology will save Carly 's life . ’
20 The danger here is that this ballooning could cut off the emergency cooling water altogether .
21 5.22 Defective premises To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times to display and maintain all notices which the Landlord may from time to time [ reasonably ] require to be displayed at the Premises The difficulty here is that this covenant could impose an unfair obligation on the tenant and it should therefore be amended as follows : To give notice to the Landlord upon becoming aware of any defect … 5.23 New guarantor Within [ 14 ] days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor or of such person becoming bankrupt or having a receiving order made against him or having a receiver appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 or being a company passing a resolution to wind up or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed to give notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the expense of the Tenant within [ 28 ] days to procure some other person acceptable to the Landlord [ such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld ] to execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant 's obligations contained in this Lease in the form of the Guarantor 's covenants contained in this Lease Although this may be perfectly fair and reasonable in that a guarantor 's covenants are expected to last during the period for which they are given , many tenants try to resist this covenant on the basis that it may be extremely difficult for the tenant to produce an alternative guarantor .
22 What Derrida points out is that this view can creep back into the definition of the sign itself once it has been broken down into a signifier and a signified .
23 The irony is that this victory may contain the seeds of eventual defeat .
24 The best bet on National day is that another record will fall on the fast turf and that a vast number of runners will clear the 30 fences .
25 What is quite clear is that any success will rest on the basic sciences of virology and molecular biology , and that , without research into obscure aspects of these subjects the direct hunt for new cures would be no better than shooting in the dark with unfamiliar weapons at an undefined target .
26 We have already seen how unlikely it is that any party would go before the electorate avowing such differences : an exhibition of disunity would be too damaging to its chances of success .
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