Example sentences of "it must [verb] be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is now recognised that the costing of community-based care to take account of the wider back-up services on which it must depend is a complicated calculation which was not available with any degree of sophistication at the height of the movement away from institutional care ( Knapp , 1986 ) .
2 It must have been a testing time for the boffins at the Telecommunications Research Establishment ( TRE ) at Malvern to find an operational RAF pilot in their midst , competing with them and reducing by months the time-scale normally associated with getting things done .
3 Just beyond Fort Augustus a trace of their road may still be found ; now impassable , it must have been a fearful route : the climb up to any height of it is ferociously demanding — or else I hit it at the wrong spot .
4 It must have been a savage attack ; Boswell had offended Johnson 's pride and held him up to ridicule ; now Johnson retaliated with such force that Boswell says , ‘ though I can bear such attacks as well as most men , I yet found myself so much the sport of all the company , that I would gladly expunge from my mind every trace of this severe retort . ’
5 It must have been a long summer holiday because I managed to be there both for the haymaking and the harvest .
6 It must have been a long time ago .
7 It must have been a long day for a boy of that age .
8 In its heyday it must have been a good little vehicle , but now it was definitely finished .
9 ‘ Better get moving , ’ he thought He stopped as he turned Had he imagined it , no , he was sure something had flashed in the moonlight It must have been a good quarter of a mile away , towards the middle of the estuary .
10 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
11 Well it must have been a tall , a long cat and a low door but it would lift the knocker and knock its way in
12 It must have been a daunting task to know how to encompass and animate such an extensive and familiar subject , but the Royal College of Art , which was commissioned to organise and design the event , enlisted that most reliable of cultural populists , John Julius Norwich , to curate , and he has proved a model of Dimblebyan dependability , as well as introducing the commendably brief but informative and well laid-out catalogue .
13 These lost lands are named on old charts as ‘ Sunke Sands ’ and it must have been a logical progression to name the risen sandbank ‘ Sunk Sand Island ’ , eventually over the centuries to be shortened to today 's Sunk Island .
14 It must have been a right
15 It must have been a worrying time for Titfords and Hasteds alike , not to mention the rest of the inhabitants of the densely-populated riverside parishes ; the victims of the killer — or rather the remains — were laid to rest in a corner of St George 's churchyard , while the murderer himself , who eventually committed suicide , was buried with a stake through him at the top of Cannon Street where the newly-built Commercial Road crossed .
16 It must have been a delicate situation .
17 It must have been a great game to watch — Dalian seemed to think so , ’ said the Villa boss .
18 Claudia had gone away with him , and to Myra 's romantic mind it must have been a foregone conclusion that they would become lovers and live happily ever after .
19 It must have been a rare sight !
20 It must have been a proud moment for William Lee , particularly as " Monarch " and " Renown " were both built at his own yard .
21 It must have been a strange sight in a land of Celtic war chiefs , dressed in Highland-type garb , to see the proud , aristocratic De Cuellar in fine Spanish attire , pulling a face as he sipped the O'Rourke potheen and thought of his native wine .
22 All three spoke as though the moment were of no real consequence , but I know that for Mother and for O at least it must have been a strange and moving moment .
23 It must have been a strange experience for him , Rufus had thought , knowing he owned all sorts of things but not knowing quite what or where they were .
24 It must have been a male tree for there was no sign of the drooping clusters of yellow fruit that female trees would now be bearing .
25 For my mother it must have been a sad comedown from the Legation , but we boys enjoyed ourselves .
26 Er I think it must have been a multiple unit .
27 It must have been a terrible shock .
28 It must have been a terrible ordeal .
29 It must have been a terrible experience to see the meal vanish before their eyes — one that Dad never forgot .
30 It must have been a terrible shock for you … ’
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