Example sentences of "it could [vb infin] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It could last for an hour or a day or days , rising and falling .
2 Possibly the greatest fear one might have is that , because the lesson is relatively unstructured , it could grind to a halt .
3 There are hopes that the aircraft may receive a reprieve so that it could perform during the celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of the RAF in April next year .
4 It would be nice if you could leave the fax modem in Auto-answer mode and it could distinguish between a fax machine or another modem that was calling it , and act appropriately .
5 The next day the sun woke them early , beating down from a clear sky , baking those tiles it could reach on the terrace so that the children hopped over them , nimble as cats on hot bricks .
6 The relationship was initiated or terminated with minimal ceremony though it could endure for a lifetime .
7 The trick was then to get the newly-formed zygote back into the mother so it could attach to the inside of the womb and develop normally . ’
8 I would like readers to know just how serious the threat from opencast mining is , what it could mean to the landscape , nature and communities of the Gwendraeth , and what they can do to help prevent it .
9 I 'm realistically assessing it and I 'm aware of what it could mean to the company .
10 It seems likely , however , that the low prevalence among children is largely a consequence of inability to ascertain pre-onset cases , while among parents it could stem from the effect of Crohn 's disease on marital relationships with reduced fertility , either through complications of the disease in women or reversible azoospermia during sulphasalazine treatment in men .
11 The information retrieval section needed to check facts with the IPG about the position of claimants so that it could feed into the debates about take-up campaigns and potential losers .
12 er As you know , it 's been bandied around that there 's the possibility that it could cost in the region of 3 to 3 1/2 million pounds , and obviously that 's down to the rate payer .
13 And with it , the sudden fear of what it could do to the tourist trade .
14 It 's analysis of the egos as , as we 've been seeing , in analysis was really all , all it could do at the beginning , after the First World War , shall we say .
15 It could do with a bit of script-editing but satellite sceptics expecting a botch-job held together by sticky-backed plastic will be pleasantly surprised .
16 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
17 No it could do in a moment or two though it er , it looks a bit ominous , you rub one or two er doubts , they are similar colour to these actually
18 Coleman knew the power it could exercise behind the scenes , and went on hoping through the summer of 1990 that Control would somehow find the right strings to pull .
19 Sydney had some way to go before it was released from the burden of compulsive immigration , and before it could present to the world a face that was uniquely its own .
20 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
21 Michael Latham , an executive member of the 1922 Committee of Tory MPs and a former director of the Housebuilders ' Federation , condemned the rise as unnecessary and warned it could lead to a recession .
22 They say it could lead to a melt-down more serious than that at Three Mile Island in 1979 .
23 We think it could lead to a stalemate .
24 I rather suspect it could lead to a lot of foul-hooked fish , which is another thing I deplore when done deliberately .
25 But this strategy might not work out as the British government hoped ; the resultant ‘ unfreezing [ could ] release the political energies of the people ’ , and it could lead to a situation in which Protestant workers were weaned away from Orangeism and united with their Catholic fellow workers in the Labour movement :
26 There are always launderettes and it could lead to a career in pop music . )
27 They 're undergoing trials with Swindon Town Football Club , each one hoping that it could lead to a career in first division football .
28 It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team .
29 If it is too long it could lead to an explosion of potential interpretations .
30 Engelberger talked about what he called the Unimate , a mechanical arm controlled electronically so it could move like a human 's .
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