Example sentences of "it can not [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can not side-step this challenge by claiming to be neutral and value-free because of its appeal to the technology of literacy .
2 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself in extreme cases the fish has been known to leap from the tank .
3 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself .
4 It can not justify increased expenditure on the scale that it proposes , and we are not prepared to renegotiate in any way the present rebate to the United Kingdom .
5 The fact that the game itself is trivial , and , of course , in most ways it is , does not mean that it can not inflict real pain .
6 The hungry or thirsty horse becomes anxious if it can not satisfy these needs , and as a consequence drives itself harder to find food or water .
7 Article 34 of the Vienna Convention applies to itself so that like other treaties it can not bind third parties .
8 Note that the transmitter control will only allow you to reduce the response ; it can not give more throw than the mechanical linkage will allow .
9 What the set most lacks is the always recognizable quality of élan , and while it deserves investigation by Debussyans , it can not earn unqualified acceptance .
10 My collective brain has its limitations , and it can not answer this question off the top of its collective head .
11 That 's not to say that it can not create long documents , far from it , just that equal emphasis is given to each page by the program .
12 Although the recently announced European Air Traffic Control information system may facilitate the movement of aircraft across national boundaries , it can not create more airspace in the already crowded skies over southern England .
13 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
14 It can not deliver full frame , full motion video although this may be available in later models .
15 Although the operational environment of CD-I ensures that , unlike CDROM , it is ideally suited to processing high quality sound and pictures together with computer graphics , text and numerics , it can not deliver full screen , full motion video .
16 Experience can confirm theories , and thereby confirm the sentences of which the theories are constructed , but it can not confirm those sentences singly and directly .
17 If the cause or matter is properly characterised as criminal , it can not lose that character simply because at one stage it is carried forward by techniques which closely resemble those employed in civil matters , or which lead to relief often granted in civil matters , or which are available in civil or criminal matters alike ; any more than , having gained this new character by the employment of such techniques , it would revert to its former status when the deployment of the techniques came to an end .
18 Fulfilment of their legal obligation , would send a powerful message to the contestants : to the Palestinians of the occupied territories that they can hope for protection , and to Israel that it can not disobey international law with impunity .
19 It can not sever such connections , but should end the practice of the block vote by which unions wield enormous power in party affairs .
20 That is apart from the fact that it can not fill any holes in its Picasso , Matisse or Henry Moore collections .
21 It can not have pleased Kimon , the Spartans ' friend , any more than it pleased politicians of more obviously radical complexion .
22 It can not have half-taken place .
23 Ironically Langbaurgh council , whose residents have the highest incidence of asthma in Cleveland , has been told it can not have special funding to contribute to the project .
24 If a Troll sustains one or more wounds from flames then it can not regenerate any wounds , not even those inflicted by ordinary weapons .
25 In ( 3 ) , SPAR is able to identify both some biscuits and a bowl on the floor , allowing both definite noun phrases to be fully resolved ; but it can not find any biscuits that are already in a bowl .
26 This sections is present to identify those environments with which the process might deadlock ( i.e. stop because it can not agree any communication with the environment ) .
27 It has now accepted that it can not keep Scottish Pride as an integral part of its business .
28 Like all other institutions , it can not enjoy absolute freedom .
29 ONE of the biggest private users of the rail network is to go into liquidation because it can not afford British Rail 's rates .
30 Once central government becomes involved in prescribing school curricula , it can not omit some form of education in public affairs : at any rate , it would be difficult to find a state where there is such a deliberate omission .
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