Example sentences of "it will take [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The survey points out that only three biotechnology medicines have been approved in the US during the past year and only 14 in the past decade , and at this rate , it will take 13 years for the 21 medicines now awaiting approval to be passed .
2 It will take four years for trials on the designer tree to be completed .
3 Apricot Computers Ltd , which always likes to be first with Intel 's latest chip , will reportedly announce a P5-based machine in September , but with the enormous leap in complexity in the microprocessor , the other major worry has to be that it will take early users of the chip at least 18 months to find all the bugs in it and for Intel to correct them .
4 This sequence is probably going to be shot very early in the morning , and it will take great strength of mind to get it all together .
5 It will take many years to phase out existing cars that run on high octane leaded petrol .
6 Hunting has now been banned , but experts fear it will take many years for their populations to recover .
7 Even with the best economic policy it will take two years from this point to go through the unavoidable stages of deflation and recession to reach the start of recovery .
8 And experts estimate it will take 1,000 tons of rock to fill the 12ft-square hole .
9 The ending , -a , signals that this word is feminine ; it will take feminine forms of the adjective , for instance .
10 My way with memory is to entrust it only with things it will take some pride in looking after .
11 It clearly will not take immediate effect , there is a lot of housing allocations and permissions in the pipeline as it were , so it will take some while for it to wash through the system .
12 It will take some neck for him to now sit there and sing Pele 's praises at this function . ’
13 The ministry says it will take this action under the 1854 Defence Act if the commoners — local residents — can not agree to relinquish rights which affect military installations .
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