Example sentences of "it has [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , he contests , costs at the company have gone up for the simple reason that it has moved into different areas of activity — IBM simply made the mistake of trying to be ‘ all things to all people ’ , and so will never be able to return to the profit levels of the mid-1980s .
2 It has grown from local roots , with local volunteers and funding which makes it responsive and resilient .
3 What the creation of the Parisian chef ( his name is said to have been Philippe , owner of a restaurant in the rue Montorgueil ) has lost in splendour it has gained in ancient antecedents and a background which will make a godsend for publicity men , compilers of travel literature , and the experts in picturesque magazine cookery .
4 Despite its importance and grade II* listing , the treatment it has received in recent years has been disgraceful , and it is to be hoped a great many lessons will have been learnt about how to deal with irresponsible owners of such important listed buildings .
5 It would seem that the restoration profession has not been able to keep its nerve in the face of the rapidly growing attention it has received in recent years , and is reacting in an undisciplined way .
6 It has run into serious problems .
7 It has gone to German manufacturer ASI GmbH , and ASI will now supply products to the Tandon sales and marketing subsidiaries in Europe .
8 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
9 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
10 It has appeared on countless screens , an instantly recognisable indication of Paris , provided a backdrop for pop videos , high fashion pictures and for films as diverse as So Long at the Fair , The Lavender Hill Mob and the James Bond adventure A View to a Kill .
11 But apparently smut has never been far away , and in recent years when some crops have been grown from home saved seed which has had no treatment , after two or three years it has appeared with devastating effect .
12 Endurance racing has remained one of the most popular forms of motor racing and , apart from the Formula One World Championship , the Sports Car World Championship is the longest surviving World Championship even , although it has appeared under different guises since first seen in 1953 .
13 It can be done before it appears on the air , either in a private room or in a theatre , to a large or small audience ; it can be done after it has appeared by personal interview or ( as frequently in the USA ) by telephone .
14 Darlington 's Tourist Information Centre is part of the English Tourist Board network , and as such it has to abide by certain rules .
15 It has to do with general properties , certainly , but also it has to do with ranges of them .
16 It has to do with certain kinds of knowledge , which allows the adaptation of means to ends .
17 It has to do with short-term planning and public accounting systems , which mean that , although money can in theory be voted for projects over a number of years , in practice , it usually arrives in annual dribs and drabs .
18 In short , what this has to do with modern poetry is very clear ; what it has to do with modern criticism is not clear at all , since that criticism has , as we have seen , no vocabulary for dealing with it , and moves further and further from finding such a vocabulary , the more it takes its lead from linguisticians like Saussure and Jakobson .
19 We must conclude , therefore , that the duty to support just institutions , where it has to do with just authorities , is parasitical on the normal justification thesis , and not an alternative to it .
20 Defending the report , Japan 's Minister of International Trade and Industry , Kozo Watanabe , stated that his department had done no more than publish the " bare facts " , and that henceforth Japan would " say what it has to say and do what it has to do in international affairs " .
21 The Department of Theology and Religious Studies offers two aspects of theology : doctrine as it has emerged in Christian tradition , and the relation of theology to influences from philosophy , other contemporary studies , and atheistic alternatives .
22 It dates to about 1780 and looks as if it has landed by magic carpet .
23 If an outline idea has been discussed over the lunch table ring up to carry it further , and if you have floated an idea by post and have heard nothing phone up to see if it has fallen on stony ground .
24 It has fallen to salaried professionals in universities , public record offices , the Business Archives Council , corporate bodies themselves — and the ‘ vanity press ’ — to salvage and conserve the tons of old papers explaining the historical context of what tumbled off the production line .
25 As he knows , it has fallen from high levels .
26 In some cases it has led to violent confrontations requiring police intervention .
27 This second collapse has produced a new trade union militancy and a growing influence of re-established or new socialist parties , but it has also engendered in several countries a fervent nationalism , so far most intense in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union where it has led to military confrontations .
28 It has led on repeated occasions to a sense of being hemmed in , of which the doctrine of Lebensraum was the most extreme example .
29 Pragmatism has also played a part here and when convenient the DST has been willing to do deals with other countries trading off information it has obtained from opposing factions in the Middle East .
30 It has remained of particular interest because its canon seven was the first to declare the marriage of clerics not only unlawful but invalid .
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