Example sentences of "it had been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Normally used as a storeroom-cum-gallery , it had been cleared of extraneous clutter .
2 It had been raised in international conferences in the late 1960s but was first officially presented by a Malaysian diplomat in April 1970 at the preparatory meeting of the non-aligned states in Dar-es-Salaam .
3 If engaged in hand-to-hand fighting the unit will break if it fails the test and may be pursued just as if it had been broken in hand-to-hand combat .
4 It had been engaged in regular combat with the Red Army , as part of German forces .
5 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
6 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
7 In their minds it had been prefaced with romantic dialogue and protestations of love .
8 Producer , Lyn Goleby was on a visit to the school to answer questions on the film , which ranged from how much say the author had in shooting the film , to whether ’ The Bridge ’ might have had to have a happier ending if it had been made with American money .
9 ‘ It is not necessary to consider what would have been the effect of the payment of £20 if it had been made in full satisfaction of the demand against Hunter .
10 Unlike the vivid adventure of the night before it had been peopled by sinister shadows .
11 It had been accepted under the UDF umbrella , but after the ethnic strife at the beginning of 1990 concerning the Turkish minority it had been rejected on the grounds that it had been constituted on ethnic lines .
12 The k'va was the colour of straw because it had been cooked over boiling k'vass , an ale which was made from fermenting the raw grain , and it steamed gently .
13 Extremely , you know I mean if , if it had been checked over regular maybe or something like that , I do n't know how often it gets checked over or anything but you know er that gantry 's supposed to be you know , kind of really safe , so many sensors on it which are supposed to stop that from happening .
14 The jaw tightened till it looked as if it had been carved from golden marble .
15 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
16 It had been plagued by excessive absenteeism , restrictive practices , inter-union demarcation lines and poor product quality .
17 In the late 1980s , the European steel industry had an enormous over-capacity , partly because it had been undercut by Korean , Japanese , and other producers in the Pacific , partly because of a wave of added Italian steel capacity in the 1970s .
18 ‘ We had very little work to do to it because it had been kept in great condition throughout its time as a lifeboat on the Isles of Scilly , ’ he explained .
19 It had been exhumed from Locked Safe no. 5 where it usually stood between Pranks of Priapus and The Grecian Way of Love .
20 The interior was still waiting for its first clean and the upholstery felt as if it had been textured in buff nicotine .
21 For myself , I would let the others go on to the caves and pass the time instead above ground in the large riverside village of Saint-Pé ( the Gascon form of Pierre ) -de-Bigorre , which has a nicely arcaded square and a few pleasing remains of its old abbey church , once the grandest religious building in the Pyrenees but now part in effect of the dull parish church that later replaced it , after it had been fired by Protestant arsonists in the Wars of Religion .
22 Four months later it was Legasov who led the Soviet delegation to the Vienna conference on the disaster , and it was the forcefulness of his opening five-hour speech that established the conventional wisdom about Chernobyl : that it had been caused by human error among the operators , that the measures taken to protect the population had been adequate , and that the Soviet Union had nothing to hide .
23 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
24 There did exist the small Northern Ireland Labour Party which disappeared after the fall of Stormont ; but it had been based on industrial workers , particularly in the shipyards , and remained much smaller in size than its Southern counterpart .
25 These later developments were aided by the Bass brewery group taking a 27 per cent stake in the company in 1985 — after it had been sought by Grand Metropolitan , another leisure grouping .
26 The position of the litigant who wrongly brings a case under Order 53 is different because Ord. 53 r. 9(5) may allow the case to continue as if it had been started by ordinary writ procedure .
27 It had been running on unheard for some time , in any case .
28 It had been landscaped with low hills and narrow walks , with tiny underlit pools , small temples , carefully-placed banks of shrub and stone , shady willows , cinnamon trees and delicate wu-tong .
29 It had been left in beautiful order — carpets , central heating , furniture , thick curtains .
30 It had been re-affirmed as a centre-piece of Roman-Catholic social philosophy in the Encyclical ‘ Quadrogesimo Anno ’ of 1931 , some time after it had been enshrined in various pieces of German social welfare legislation in the 1920s .
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