Example sentences of "it had be [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was an area of bruising below the right eye but , although it was recent , Wycliffe felt sure that it had been inflicted some time before death — probably the day before .
2 Airlift Book Company this week announced that it had been appointed exclusive UK distributor for Shambhala Publications , taking over from Rider Books ( part of Random House ) on 1st April .
3 It had been expecting some trouble on May 23th , the anniversary of China 's annexation of Tibet in 1951 .
4 Without it , psychoanalytic theory could not account for all that it had been observed human beings could do to themselves and to one another .
5 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
6 It had been painted that way to make it stand out — the opposite of camouflage .
7 It had been seen nine years before at Kangaroo island and in 1840 came to us in thousands — running about the streets and Gardens and into the houses as if it had never seen man before .
8 As an estimated 5.5 million Jaguar shares changed hands , Ford confirmed that it had been granted early approval by US regulatory authorities to begin building its stake , immediately prompting speculation that it had entered the market .
9 A British team managed to reach one that , although it had been hooked several hours before , was still just living when its captor got it ashore .
10 If its home clock said the time was 12.00 a.m. but the sun at the release site indicated 6.00 a.m. the pigeon would infer it had been moved one quarter of the way round the world to the west .
11 Is my right hon. Friend aware that when the shadow Chancellor recently visited the James Halstead group in my constituency — it employs more than 400 people and is successful in making good profits — he expressed satisfaction to the local media that most of the technology that he saw was British-made and that most of it had been made 20 miles from Bury ?
12 It had been converted some years before Miss Dalgliesh had bought it by the addition of a flint-faced , two-storey building with a large sitting room , smaller study and a kitchen on the ground floor and three bedrooms , two of them with their own bathrooms , on the floor above .
13 Since 1914 , it had been fortified high ground from which the Germans could overlook and bombard British positions .
14 It had been decided three people might overwhelm the man they were calling on .
15 After 1954 , and however virtuously reassuring it had been to teach bright Battersea boys , it was impossible to ignore the influence of social class on educational achievement .
16 By its appearance it had been cooked several days ago .
17 It had been advocated countless times , but prejudice against it held sway , and it was argued that identifying players would pander to their individual egos .
18 It had been raining all day and by the time I got to the inn I looked like a pink sponge in a cagoule .
19 It had been raining all night and in the stillness of morning the clouds and mist had not yet cleared .
20 The weather was fine on the day , a lucky day as it had been raining all week .
21 It had been raining that night so the roads were slippy and our group was half way round the course when a friend , Catriona , suffered a puncture in her rear wheel .
22 He had become involved in the administration of St Anne 's House in Soho , for example ; it had been opened this year as a " centre of Christian discourse " , and in the autumn he and Philip Mairet conducted a discussion group , " Toward the Definition of Culture " which met once a week until the middle of December .
23 PC Stephen Noble who attended the scene at the college annex told the coroner a check on the van revealed it had been stolen eleven days previously .
24 At this time , too , he carefully examined and brilliantly settled the old quarrel concerning the metropolitan church of Britanny between Tours and Dol , which although it had been judged many times by his predecessors would never have been brought to a final settlement but for him .
25 When this eagerly awaited party actually happened , it had been going forty minutes before Dad and I realized that we knew virtually no one there .
26 Containing such things as ‘ Liquidi perle ’ , ‘ Tirsi morir volea ’ , and ‘ Dolorosi martir ’ , it is no wonder that by 1588 it had been reprinted four times and that in the same year five of the madrigals — with ‘ Io partirò ’ from the Second Book — were published in London with English words .
27 It had been reprinted nine times when Walton wrote his Life of Herbert in 1675 .
28 Clearly it had been taken several years earlier , but it showed , even then , the supercilious cast of a face which had looked into the camera with head held well back , and lips that seemed to smile with a curious arrogance above the Vandyke beard .
29 On 30 July , the last day before the Summer Recess , battered but relieved Ministers , their policy of retention rejected by the elected House but upheld by the hereditary peers , saw the Act finally onto the statute book in largely the same form as it had been introduced nine months earlier .
30 Its origins were Queen Anne but it had been remodelled several times , most radically at the turn of the century when it had become the holiday home of a London architect .
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