Example sentences of "it is [adj] that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is deplorable that the old Aldens supermarket site remains underused and the Whitehouse football ground plans stagnate .
2 So it is appropriate that the first champion to be whelped in this country was Ch.
3 It is appropriate that the first great English opera of modern times should be so deeply English in tone , and should derive from the art which the English have always excelled at — poetry .
4 Nevertheless it does believe it is appropriate that the strategic thrust of the policy should be based on the premise that development proposals likely to be consid considered acceptable in the open countryside will in a sense represent the exception rather than the rule .
5 It is good that the demanding job of running hostels for the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped , together with other provision of residential care , should now be recognized as an important aspect of social work , for much needs to be done in this field and many able people need to be recruited for the work .
6 But the stories have a universal appeal simply as stories , and it is good that the underlying programme seldom obtrudes as badly as in the gift-shop passage above , where the helpful aside about tourism affecting rural culture worldwide strikes a primary-school note .
7 Does he agree that it is good that the British farming community is not as violent as appears to be the case on the continent ?
8 Since the total number of crossings , 5 is odd , unc has the determinant -1 ; accordingly unc unc unc Coincidentally , this example also illustrates he second variant : it is adventitious that the largest element among those available occurs in the first , second , third and fourth column in succession .
9 It is typical that the tough men at Pontypool should choose the toughest of destinations .
10 It is undeniable that the individualized character of the Reeve is very prominent as a result of his self-reflexions in his prologue , and that the common theme of the scales of justice in Prologue and Tale invites us to make our own assessments of characters and actions there portrayed .
11 It is probable that the colonic ulceration in this model and the larger size of the colonic pool of endotoxin would cause higher concentrations of systemic endotoxin than the acute model of iv serotonin and ig endotoxin .
12 On this argument , it is probable that the aggregate supply of labour will have a positive slope as shown in Fig. 2.5 .
13 As ozone depletion continues , and the ‘ holes ’ become bigger , it is probable that the two poles will be the worst affected regions because of their extreme , but favourable , weather conditions .
14 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
15 It is probable that the actual idea was the synthesis of discussions , but it was the one that Stirling adopted , starting a fruitful partnership with what became known to L Detachment as ‘ The Desert Taxi Service ’ .
16 It is probable that the lymphocytic gastritis present in this case wasalso a manifestation of lymphoma .
17 It is probable that the increased basal gastrin is also stimulating increased basal acid secretion in the H pylori positive healthy volunteers , which will become discernible after lowering of the gastrin by eradicating the infection .
18 It is probable that the prophylactic regimens of control currently recommended for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep will , in normal years , be effective to a large extent in suppressing D. filaria infection .
19 As our study has also shown that most subjects who were seropositive in 1969 remained so over the next 21 years , it is probable that the high prevalence of H pylori antibodies seen in elderly subjects is at least in part a reflection of greater exposure to the infection in earlier years .
20 Apart from the industrialists , merchants , and farmers of peripheral Spain it is probable that the main class that benefited from the rise in agricultural prices was the rural bourgeoisie of south , west , and centre .
21 Polls in medium or small communities were not often violent ; but it is probable that the same tensions were present as in Ajdabiya , and that they were exacerbated by the absence of campaign , by the necessity of choosing among ideologically undifferentiated candidates , and by the prolonged confrontation of voters in a confined space .
22 Although it is probable that the same applies to established onshore centres , the fact is that it is the offshore centres , especially those in the Caribbean , that are most at risk from drugs money .
23 Though , within the limits of building activity set by the Labour government , it is unlikely that the development charge procedure seriously affected the supply of land , it is probable that the Conservative government 's plans for private building would have been jeopardised by it .
24 However , given the clearly expressed strategic interests of the United States in the region it is probable that the latest Soviet ‘ neutralisation ’ proposal was not a serious attempt to bring the Western states to the negotiating table .
25 It is probable that the linguistic differentiation which separates the South Slavs from the Western Slavs ( Poles , Czechs , Slovaks ) and the Eastern Slavs ( Russians , Bielorussians , Ukrainians ) had not become apparent at the time of the migration .
26 The case shown in Fig. 6.20 is taken as an example of a very frequently met distribution ( it is probable that the original 80/20 rule-of-thumb is based on a similar curve ) .
27 It is probable that the jawless fish lived by grubbing in the sediment , or perhaps by filter feeding , possibly exploiting organic material derived from the plants that were taking to life on land at the same time .
28 If the responses are to be analysed without a great deal of trouble it is probable that the likely answers have been thought of beforehand and that certain likely response categories are already incorporated in the schedule itself .
29 Had he never existed , it is probable that the Almoravid Moors , under their fanatical leader Yusuf , would have overrun a far greater area of central Spain — and perhaps prevented the gradual blurring of the two cultures which produced the later kingdoms of Moorish Spain and thereafter the great empire of the sixteenth century .
30 It is essential that the inside surface is smooth and flowing , any ripples are exaggerated by the reflections from the spherical surface .
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