Example sentences of "it is [adj] [verb] such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Through trial and error they learn how and where it is appropriate to express such feelings and when they will be effective .
2 I should have thought that it would be common ground that it is right to review such organisations from time to time to establish whether they are achieving their objectives .
3 Weigh up the pros and cons ; decide if it is better to accept such invitations or to spend the time doing your own thing , perhaps sharing a mutual interest with one friend .
4 In order to establish how police work is accomplished , therefore , it is necessary to examine such things as the common-sense notions ordinary policemen and women have about their role , what they consider to be the essence of police work , what typifications and categorizations infuse the practical reasoning they employ to accomplish policing tasks , and what ‘ recipes ’ or guide-lines they adopt in undertaking the various aspects of their job .
5 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
6 It is impossible to write such criteria .
7 It is impossible to exclude such liability in a consumer deal and in any non-consumer deal the clause is subject to the requirement of reasonableness .
8 Symptoms of rust disease are shown as small , reddish-brown , raised spots on the leaf under-surface , and as control is difficult , it is preferable to destroy such plants including the roots , and to plant new specimens in a different place .
9 The question in the last sentence can not be answered , of course ; it is imponderable and we can go no further with it than to agree that it is useful to expose such uncertainties now and then .
10 It is helpful to have such guidelines concerning the types , range and number of concepts to be indexed in any indexing situation , although precise guidelines are not always drafted and the choice of concepts to include may be left to the discretion of the indexer .
11 It is easy to dismiss such claims as aspirational and self-fulfilling .
12 However , because fatty foods contain lots of calories in a small space , it is easy to eat such foods quickly , and potentially to put on weight .
13 It is easy to blur such distinctions .
14 Although it is possible to use such languages as problem-solving ‘ tools ’ , they suffer from the limitation that considerable expertise is needed to use them freely and effectively .
15 It is possible to use such changes of form to escape from existing snares .
16 It is possible to make such objects invisible to readers if they are irrelevant to the hypertext side .
17 To the extent that it is possible to separate such ideas as surplus value they seem to me totally uninteresting .
18 Although our eyes can not detect variations in reflectance in the near-infrared band it is possible to measure such variations using appropriate instruments .
19 The question of the ‘ Lanfranc forgeries ’ — that is , of the additions made to nine papal letters addressed to archbishops of Canterbury in order to provide clear papal authority for Canterbury 's primacy — hangs like a cloud over the primatial disputes of the years from 1072 to 1123 ; and it is important to seek such certainty as is to be obtained on this question .
20 It is difficult to dismiss such insights when they come from 81-year-old Drucker , credited with having invented the concept of ‘ management ’ in The End of Economic Man in 1939 .
21 It is difficult to characterize such relations as ‘ capitalist ’ , or to regard them as oppressive : most of the rich men of the Zuwaya managed their businesses in this way , getting a good return on money laid out , but creating wealth for poorer fellow tribesmen and a few others in the process .
22 ( It is difficult to compare such opinion-sounding with experimentally-derived research results ) .
23 It is difficult to reconcile such findings with Ornstein 's claim that intuitive non-logical thinking is a function of the right hemisphere .
24 It is difficult to reconcile such references with the tradition of a mild , pacifist saviour .
25 It is difficult to accept such guidance because often , in school , we are misled into thinking that fancy writing is good writing .
26 Peter Holman 's exemplary notes suggest that Jenkins composed these works in his 20s or 30s , but the quality of the music seem to belie that generally accepted claim : it is difficult to imagine such depth of repose in so young a man — though that in turn gives the modern listener a clue as to why Jenkins was such a respected and well-loved figure in his day .
27 Therefore it is difficult to interpret such statistics as those of UNEP ( 1982 ) , as well as others which calculate rates of topsoil loss per km 2 , except perhaps in cases where the rate is extremely high and where there is other evidence of obvious changes in land use .
28 Sheltered work ventures provided specifically for identifiable groups of people with special needs always run the risk of segregating people with mental disorder from the rest of the community ; whenever possible , therefore , it is desirable to link such initiatives with ‘ for-profit ’ enterprises away from large old hospital grounds , however tempting it may be to use cheap old buildings and land on hospital sites .
29 It is natural to borrow such words as " reproduce " and " generation " , which have associations with living things , because living things are the main examples we know of things that participate in cumulative selection .
30 Sometimes it is acceptable to treat such words or concepts as equivalent to one another , but on other occasions it is important to differentiate between them .
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