Example sentences of "it is [adj] [that] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe it is good that Crilly has not arrived .
2 It is undeniable that consumers have the capacity to resist the blandishments of advertisers , as borne out by the failure of many products brought on to the market .
3 It is undeniable that animals intend to do things in the sense that it is often true of them that unless interfered with they will go on voluntarily to perform various actions .
4 It is odd that doctors accepted this approach because as medical students we were never taught in this way , rather by demonstration and participation .
5 It is probable that Jesus extended this to mean anyone of any race .
6 Both Amis and Eliot can be considered seasoned disapprovers , and it is probable that Amis shares the other writer 's distaste for the biographical critic , whose activities may be responsibly conducted , and are generally acknowledged to have been successful at times , but have often been reckoned to fail .
7 Why Stirling and Maclean were invited remains a bit of a mystery , but it is probable that Randolph had mentioned them to his father .
8 Lastly it is probable that Rochester acted as a service centre for the comparatively large number of villas situated in the surrounding countryside .
9 It is probable that plague remained a constant threat , even if it is less well recorded in contemporary writings than at an earlier date ; probably men were more inured to its presence than they had been in the first shock of 1348 .
10 Again on stylistic grounds it is probable that Witney worked at Malmesbury Abbey and on the chapel and sacristy at Merton College , Oxford , c .1309–32 , where the master was named Thomas .
11 It is probable that Sheffield did make a start , for a fresh lease was issued to him on 5 December 1806 for the remaining 18 years of his term by Lady Anne Frederica Elizabeth le Fleming — Sir Michael had died .
12 Bronze Age tagged and barbed arrow heads have been found in at least eight places widely distributed over the island and three more of the leaf shape , and it is probable that others found have not been reported .
13 Nevertheless , it is probable that ownership does contain within it the potential for direct and indirect control .
14 It is probable that David employed Cretan mercenaries ( 11 Sam .
15 It is probable that patients join the Coeliac Society at the time of diagnosis so that this figure gives an accurate measure of those diagnosed in this age group and is very similar to our value of 19% .
16 It is true that the record of service presented in 1781 shows no ship from which it is probable that Mitchell deserted when he was a seaman ; but the years between 1768 and 1777 are passed over in silence .
17 In addition , since it is probable that alcohol produces liver damage by a number of different mechanisms , any explanation for a genetic predisposition to cirrhosis is likely to involve several genes , rather than variation at a single locus .
18 It is essential that Londoners have the same rights of access to acute health care as their provincial counterparts .
19 Both are limiting laws , valid only for small strains or rates of strain , and while it is essential that conditions involving large stresses , leading to eventual mechanical failure , be studied , it is also important to examine the response to small mechanical stresses .
20 It is essential that relatives have adequate warning so that they can make arrangements for the patient 's homecoming .
21 It is essential that Russia join the IMF at the earliest opportunity , and I believe that a stabilisation fund may need to follow if Russia is to have a prospect of establishing a successful market economy .
22 We can by no means consider here such a wide range of factors , and it is essential that students supplement this reading with other books of a historical and analytical nature to complete the picture .
23 When the major source of information is the teacher , it is essential that students gather at fixed times , " to catch the teacher 's words during their moments of fleeting life " as Taylor puts it .
24 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
25 The industrial tribunals at present have no jurisdiction to decide breaches of contracts of employment , and if the statutory protection against unfair dismissal is to retain its advantages over common law it is essential that tribunals decide cases according to reasonableness and not contract .
26 It does , however , mean that it is essential that PR has direct access to the board in order that PR programmes can be sanctioned and executed with full backing from top management .
27 Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent , it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner .
28 It is essential that parents understand that stickers can not be removed once they have been earned , no matter how badly behaved the child is .
29 It is essential that bulbs spend a period of time in cool , dark conditions before flowering ( this is known as plunging ) to ensure that a good root system is produced , otherwise stunted growth and deformed flowers can result .
30 However , while current challenges facing primary schools demand greater delegation and role specialization than hitherto , it is essential that schools avoid the trap of over-bureaucratization , and that they seek to retain and nurture the close informal collaboration which has always been an essential ingredient in effective school management .
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