Example sentences of "it is [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some ( especially readers in Europe and America ) will find it idiosyncratic and perhaps even objectionable , but I believe that it is consistent with the work of a small forum of English reviewers , scholars and performers whose work will be discussed in due course below .
2 As the House of Lords Select Committee put it , ‘ It is consistent with the attribute of sovereignty in the international law sense for states to enter into groupings such as alliances or international organisations …
3 If it is late in the year ( September onwards ) , they will probably not hatch until next spring ( April ) .
4 As Miller puts it : ‘ Education is a source of economic growth if it is anti-traditional to the extent that it liberates and stimulates as well as informs the individual and teaches him how and why to make demands upon himself . ’
5 Meanwhile , over in Summit , New Jersey , Unix System Labs says it is pleased with the DRA technology , though its ANDF effort is still at least a year away from release .
6 To come within the scope of the law of confidence , the information does not have to be particularly special and , as in the above case , ordinary and mundane information can be the proper subject matter of confidence as long as it is private to the person who has compiled the information , even though others could gather similar information if they took the trouble to do so .
7 ( The linear order chosen is of little consequence , provided it is expressible in the language .
8 As a solo instrument it is admirable for the expression of poignant melodies or short expressive phrases , and is , of course , a sine qua non in music of a pastoral nature .
9 The first argument has some merit for it is akin to the argument of non-Marxists that education should be related to the needs of the economy .
10 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
11 ( b ) Transfer to the county court A magistrates ' court may transfer any public law case ( other than proceedings relating to emergency protection orders , contribution orders ( see Chapter 16 , 5 ) and certain appeals relating to privately fostered children ( see Chapter 18 , 6 ) , child minders and day care facilities ( see Chapter 19 ) ) to a county court care centre where it is in the child 's interests to do so because : ( i ) the case is exceptionally grave , important or complex ; ( ii ) it is appropriate for the case to be heard with other family proceedings pending in the county court ; or ( iii ) transfer is likely significantly to accelerate the determination of the proceedings ( APO , art 7 ) .
12 He submitted that whilst it is relevant that the overall purpose and philosophy of the Convention should be borne in mind , nevertheless it is appropriate for the court to consider matters relating to the interests of the children .
13 That paragraph suggests that it is appropriate for the court to consider the welfare interests of the child or children .
14 I wonder whether you could define the circumstances in which it is appropriate for the Government to introduce a law reform Bill and seek to push it through all its procedures in a day without it going to a Standing Committee to be considered carefully as to its detail , when it happens that there is no particular circumstance of urgency and when the reform concerned could lead to considerable difficulties for the courts if the measure is not fully considered ?
15 If a particular market is ‘ national ’ in the sense that the good in question is strictly non-tradable , then it is appropriate for the issue to be considered by a national authority .
16 ( c ) Conduct of the conveyancing It is appropriate for the husband 's solicitors to obtain the title deeds so that they may act as vendor 's solicitors .
17 In all cases , except glacier travel , it is appropriate for the leader to carry the spare coils , but where there is a crevasse danger the spore rope should be split equally between front and rear members .
18 4 Make a rough diagram of your design and determine whether it is appropriate to the size of the site , e.g. a herb border on the grand scale will not be successful in an area 3 x 3 metres ( 10 x 10 ft ) ; in other words the proportions of the design should be such that there is room to make the most of them in the area concerned .
19 The type of model employed in an activity should thus be chosen according to whether it is appropriate to the problem in hand .
20 Their behaviour may seem inexplicable , and even offensive , to outsiders , but to them it is appropriate to the situation as they themselves see it .
21 Entertainment is selected with care , ensuring that it is appropriate to the lifestyle and values of the community .
22 It is wide of the question .
23 The Western Canadian operation is an example — although it is successful in the context of its own marketplace , its contribution to the group picture was no longer significant .
24 Because it is closer to the Sun than Earth , Venus probably contained less water than Earth .
25 Like the other planets it travels around the Sun in an ellipse , which means that at some times it is closer to the Sun than at others .
26 The little double planet Pluto has such a weird orbit that , even though almost all of the time it is by a long way the furthest known planet from the Sun , occasionally ( as at the time of writing ) it is closer to the Sun than is Neptune .
27 If the circulation scheme proposed in ref. 3 is adopted , namely cyclonic flow out of the Labrador Sea eastwards across the North Atlantic , with northward branches into the Irminger Basin and into the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough , then the water in the Iceland Basin should be of more recent origin than that of the Rockall Trough because it is closer to the source .
28 Whereas in the classic Italian historical novel , Manzoni 's The Betrothed ( 1827 ) , much admired by Eco , the omniscience of the author consists in his ability to probe at will into the psychology of his characters and , at the same time , to link this to broad historical movements and even some sense of a providential ‘ plot ’ in history , in Eco it is closer to the power of the master craftsman who can make what he will with the materials to hand , and unmake it too .
29 The nightmare feels quite different from what he 's seen on TV — but he thinks it is closer to the truth .
30 But it is inherent in the scheme of the Act that an appropriate public law decision of the housing authority is a condition precedent to the establishment of the private law duty .
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