Example sentences of "it was only [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was only when no parking places were to be found anywhere near the hall that it became clear that this was not normal .
2 Not once did the other man interrupt the litany , and it was only when a rapping on the door , announcing Chant 's return , interrupted the flow that Estabrook remembered there was anyone else alive in the world tonight beside himself and his confessor .
3 She did n't hear the car coming up the lane behind her , barely even registered it as it passed ; it was only when a car door was violently slammed that she looked up , and froze .
4 It was only when the government started to cut drug prices after 1980 , because it wanted to stop health bills rising further as the population greyed , that the drug makers were pushed into thinking about export markets .
5 It was only when the Government decided to shadow the Deutschmark that it dropped its commitment to sound money .
6 It was only when the organ developed from that pipe and with the organ the tradition of fugue-writing could a genius like Bach arise .
7 However , it was only when the driver turned to the left up the quays that the real damage wrought by the 1916 rising could be clearly seen .
8 It was only when the doorbell rang and two more couples joined us that I realised what he had in mind . ’
9 It was only when The Sun newspaper displayed it on a girl in a highly provocative pose that she realized how easily the purity of the image could be sullied .
10 It was only when the headmaster had finished reading the list of names that the hubbub started .
11 It was only when the Finance Minister , Navarro Rubio , confronted Franco personally , impressed on him the absolute and urgent necessity of devaluing the peseta , and asked him how he would feel if ration cards had to be reintroduced , that Franco reluctantly gave in .
12 He was on stage for most of the first act , and it was only when the curtain fell for the interval that he could concentrate on anything other than the play .
13 It was only when the war created new economic and social needs and highlighted existing problems that a universal scheme of family allowances gained sufficient additional support to be accepted and implemented .
14 The sociological fantasy that pop musicians could be some sort of organic intellectuals was remarkably stubborn ; it dominated initial left-wing responses to punk , and it was only when the material basis of the fantasy — youth as class — broke down in the late 1970s recession , that different ways of conceiving pop politics began to be attractive .
15 It was only when the tea came that her pleasure in such a welcome , in being given such evidence of the continuing affection in which she was held , abruptly waned .
16 The explanation given by Grant was that attempts to contact Brady ahead of making public the board 's move had failed , though he accepted that it was only right the manager be the first to know .
17 It seemed incredible that it was only just a week since she 'd arrived , Luce thought .
18 They got the impression that he was well into it but , in fact , it was only about a week before that he 'd started to get interested .
19 I thought it was only once a month .
20 It was only recently a town that offered waged work for women , though much of that has disappeared in the past few years , and it was never a town that invited black workers .
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