Example sentences of "it was [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When it was eventually launched last week , critics - including our own Mark Lawson — noticed a number of technical blips .
2 It was eventually agreed that sovereignty would be transferred to a United States of Indonesia ( USI ) before 30 December 1949 .
3 It was thus agreed that redemption , to the sun of £100 only ( 4 x £25 bonds ) , be drawn for and should a bondholder so drawn insist on taking his money then the Bolney Syndicate would , if necessary , buy the bonds so saving the Club 's strained resources .
4 We were told that the papers in the case were being examined and it was clearly implied that action would be taken .
5 London became the dominant Eurocurrency centre because the dollar was the dominant currency , and because it was strategically located half way between New York and Tokyo so that dealing could continue round the clock .
6 Since it was generally believed that emancipation depended on women 's participation in production , demands were made to free women from domestic slavery by the provision of communal facilities for childcare and cooking .
7 And it was generally accepted that Grandad William Tallentire was capable of making his way in any society , so it really was n't a clear case of Grandma marrying beneath her .
8 It was also given in-depth coverage on television and radio that evening , with News at Ten running it as the lead story in the first half of the programme and coming back to it again in the second .
9 Not only did the church 's social teaching directly enter into the definition of rights , wrongs , and obligations within this nation state , but it was also to affect one aspect of the structure of government .
10 It was also discovered that egg production could be boosted by leaving lights on in the houses all night to fool the hens into thinking that it was still daylight .
11 It was also accepted that repetition of the offences was unlikely .
12 It was also expected that government spending would be cut by 10 per cent , that state companies would be privatized and that sales taxes would be increased .
13 It was also reported that lack of success in higher education was largely due to non-completion rather than failure .
14 It was also reported that work was under way to clear Iraqi mines from the coastal waters around Kuwait , in preparation for the amphibious assault which was widely expected to accompany any allied ground offensive .
15 It was also urged that science should progress by the proposal of bold , highly falsifiable conjectures as attempts to solve problems , followed by ruthless attempts to falsify the new proposals .
16 It was also to attract increasing support from youth and students .
17 It was also agreed that sewage dumped in certain " sensitive " areas of the sea would be given secondary treatment .
18 Indeed IBM was ready with a fulsome endorsement of OSI , pointing out that it was already developing OSI software in both Europe and California ; OSI research was already under way at IBM 's European Networking Center at Heidelberg , and various IBM products already supported the first five of OSI 's seven layers .
19 Indeed , the movement as a whole had only a brief life , and by the 1690s it was already becoming past history .
20 Those whose interests were prejudiced by the events of 787 are likely to have joined the ranks of Offa 's enemies , and it was later believed that Archbishop Jaenberht even plotted with Charlemagne against Offa to guarantee him free entry into Kent if he should invade .
21 Although it was later denied any truth by Wolfenden , it has been suggested that the immediate post-war period witnessed a ‘ witch-hunt ’ or ‘ purge ’ of homosexuals .
22 And ‘ that it was strongly recommended that Operation Majestic 12 be kept accountable only to the president of the United States ’ .
23 Before all these developments it was widely accepted that knowledge was something that was ‘ transmitted by words and absorbed by words ’ , and suddenly when faced with ‘ establishing the criteria for the arts as higher education subjects … we were forced to look at these subjects … and at what way they contributed to the role of higher education …
24 In this new environment it was widely believed that exchange rates , freed from restrictive intervention , would adjust reasonably smoothly to divergences in competitiveness , as predicted by the purchasing power parity theorem .
25 Even up to the end of the eighteenth century it was widely held that mind resided in the spaces within the brain , the ventricles , rather than in the neural tissue itself .
26 At the same time it was widely known that unemployment relief , while inadequate , could only be paid at all as a result of direct subsidy from the Reich .
27 It seems a fair bet that Joe Public finds it as hard to feel sorry for rodents as Winston Smith did , and though these lobotomised specimens were of the cuter white kind , it was possibly to watch this sequence without feeling many qualms .
28 The day after the ad was shown , P&G announced it was indefinitely suspending all advertising on WHDH-TV for its entire range of products , including Pampers diapers , Crest toothpaste and Head and Shoulders shampoo .
29 maybe some joint reports with other colleagues in education , to look at some innovative work , erm , that if it was specifically ring fenced government grant , we can actually get our teeth into , that would provide a cost saving for governments in the future .
30 It was then decided that progress would be made if use was made of the " cascade " method , in which a small group would receive intensive training and practice and then would train others .
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