Example sentences of "it was [verb] that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It received a new boost in 1990 when John Gribbin and Martin Rees published their The Stuff of the Universe , where it was asserted that the universe came into existence solely in order to create a carbon-based intelligent life-form on just one planet — Earth .
2 Occasionally it was suspected that the behaviour of respondents was being affected by the presence of the field-worker , to what extent it is impossible to estimate , but this is the disadvantage of all overt research techniques and is not unique to ethnography .
3 In Section 8.1 it was explained that the determination of a currency 's exchange rate value is in principle broadly the same as the establishment of the price for any other financial instrument , commodity , or good .
4 They had always attached importance to keeping level with India , and now they renewed the pressure , It was explained that the Dominion status option was open to them , with the same timetable as India ; but if they became a republic this would require more contentious legislation and the negotiation of an Anglo-Burmese Treaty .
5 When the Chilaw kachcheri queried a sale voucher counterfoil submitted by a headman , it was explained that the seller had branded the animal with his grandfather 's name , Nicholas , because he believed it a lucky name in cattle breeding .
6 They relented when it was explained that the alternative was to exhume the bodies of other relatives .
7 It was explained that the dog was the boy 's pet .
8 The refugee camp there was said to be acting as a " magnet " , encouraging more Haitians to put to sea , and it was confirmed that the camp would be phased out .
9 It was confirmed that the Queen 's Counsel was indeed a Queen 's Counsel .
10 In December it was confirmed that the assessment would be confined to paper and pencil tests taken by whole classes of children .
11 But they were n't totally happy — for it was confirmed that the interrogation of the prisoner — going on at that moment — would reveal where the stuff had gone .
12 It was confirmed that the Rank Organisation was looking for a buyer for its five star Royal Garden Hotel in London .
13 At the end of October it was confirmed that the A-IADMK would be supporting Congress ( I ) in the elections to the Lok Sabha .
14 With reference to the previous discussion of an unconditional , non-matching grant , it was illustrated that the effect on local spending is just the same as that which arises as a result of an increase in income .
15 When looking at the local underbelly of the centre initiative at Powick , it was seen that the provision of more than one psychiatric hospital within a district , after 1982 , meant certain death for one or other institution .
16 It was seen that the length of stay for those who wish to leave the country quickly is not that much shorter than for those who challenge their deportation .
17 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
18 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
19 Second , it was assumed that the gas would be evenly mixed in the air , so that no dangerous concentrations would occur .
20 It was assumed that the spread of middle class attitudes would radically alter allegiances at work , in particular .
21 A master who freed a slave could take back his freedom three times in succession ; after the third time it was assumed that the judgement of the master could no longer be trusted .
22 Initially it was assumed that the objective would be for the villages to farm on a communal basis .
23 Many of Winterthur 's wealthier citizens had already built their villas outside in the country , and it was assumed that the space cleared by destroying the walls would go the same way .
24 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
25 It was assumed that the stress followed a path similar to that sketched in Figure 6(a) .
26 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
27 In this initial presentation of the passive rifting model it was assumed that the amount of extension was uniform throughout the lithosphere ( Fig. 4.1 7(A) ) .
28 At the time of sentencing , it was assumed that the car was worthless , having been stolen from the appellant and returned to him in a damaged condition : it had subsequently been established that the car was worth £3,000 .
29 In Albert v. Lavin it was assumed that the defendant was guilty of assaulting in the execution of his duty an off-duty policeman who was seeking to prevent a breach of the peace .
30 When the current collusion controversy began , it was assumed that the bulk of the problem lay with the UDR .
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