Example sentences of "it was [verb] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This fraud caused much confusion until it was exposed as the result of bibliographical detective work by A. W. Pollard , Sir W. W. Greg [ qq.v. ] , and others .
2 If causes dear to his heart , such as feminism , even figured at all in the mass-circulation papers , it was to serve as the butt for an endless stream of cheap jokes .
3 For Engels its significance lies in the fact that it was seen as the basis of what was to be the most dramatic change in the history of mankind .
4 Even conservatives could accept evolution , provided it was seen as the unfolding of a divine plan through forces built into Nature by its Creator .
5 Possibly it was dismissed as the work of an eccentric ; and just as Henry Eliot received no reply , I have no doubt that Eliot himself remained in ignorance of its existence , unless Theresa later mentioned it to him .
6 The second is that the person named in it was registered as the holder of the stated number of shares .
7 In their lives they could both validate , renew and thus extend its significance , for it was understood as the Incarnation of meaning , of that Word which informs the partiality of all words .
8 In the realms where it was studied , it was recognised as the ability to tear and claw into the mind of another .
9 The Rev E P Tompson was the first Chairman of its Executive Committee and in that capacity led the work forward to the point at which it was accepted as the youth club arm of Scripture Union , and a member of the SU Council assumed the chair .
10 Even when it was defined as the ability to change or control the behaviour of others they felt it was inappropriate .
11 The Gare d'Orsay like the Gare de l'Est before it was regarded as the model station and strongly influenced others , notably Hamburg ( 1906 ) , Copenhagen Central ( 1911 ) , and the two New York stations , Pennsylvania and Grand Central .
12 It owes its name to the fact that it was used as the floor covering at the coronation of Frederik IV in 1699 , and that of all subsequent absolute kings .
13 The ‘ Romance ’ from The Gadfly became , of course , a popular favourite a few years ago when it was used as the theme for the TV series Reilly : Ace of Spies , but as played here by the Chicago Sinfonietta under Paul Freeman it 's altogether drier ad more reticent — no comparison at all with the recording by the USSR Cinema SO under Emin Khachaturian on CfP which glows with warmth and stylish authenticity .
14 Filming took place in a Victorian house in Shepherd 's Bush ; the back of it was used as the production office and the front of it for filming .
15 It was used as the Library of Culture for the Communist Party and is now the teachers , training faculty of the University .
16 It seemed that people thought it was about kinky sex ; at best it was taken as the onset of senility .
17 It was sold as the fulfilment of a dream but it became a nightmare for many .
18 It was thus held to be as authentic an image of the society within which it was produced as the gift , whose authenticity was premised upon its own totalizing ability .
19 At some time two short tunnels have been put in to investigate this , and early in the 19C. it was known as the Boot Polish Mine .
20 It was known as the Day of the Dead .
21 In those days , it was known as the Girl Horse Rangers , later changing to Horse Rangers of the Commonwealth before finally becoming the Horse Rangers Association in 1972 .
22 Until 1988 it was known as the Archbishop of Canterbury 's Certificate , but as it is now open to Roman Catholics has been renamed the Archbishops ' Certificate ( ACertCM ) .
23 The actor was brought up in Croydon not far from the family 's home and remembers how it was known as The Arsenic House and how local children were afraid of it .
24 Sometimes it was known as the Char because of its sign — a crude but unmistakable painting of that fish found only in the deepest lakes — Buttermere being one — and already considered a fashionable delicacy in London .
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