Example sentences of "it was [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was believed someone from the Academy was helping Mann with the finance and distribution of the drugs .
2 Owen knew from the title that this was a member of the Egyptian Royal Family but which of the Khedive 's numerous progeny it was escaped him for the moment .
3 And you know she treasures it because it was given her by a grateful patient centuries ago .
4 It was as embarrassing to see a friend under the influence of adrenalin when one had not lost one 's own temper as it was to see him under the influence of alcohol when one was sober .
5 He told us what sport it was to take her to the ‘ Houtsize ‘ 0use ’ in London , first putting her on the Inner Circle , getting off smartly himself , and leaving her to go round and round until his amusement wore off .
6 They were in costumes that , in spite of their crumpled shabbiness , recalled the garb of Count Arnheim in the opera of ‘ The Bohemian Girl ’ , and looked like fugitive kings and emperors beside the thick-set railway porter , in capacious velveteens , whose duty it was to put them on the right track towards the ‘ free land ’ .
7 Security officials feared that it was re-establishing itself in the region , possibly with the help of the small Catalan secessionist group Terra Lliure .
8 In other words , it was costing us about a pound an hour in water .
9 The third case resulted from the willingness and need of the firm to take work from any source while it was establishing itself in a new market .
10 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
11 Oh it was bought it from the Christmas , two ninety nine from .
12 And when at last she fell asleep it was to find herself in the château , running endlessly through a labyrinth of rooms , searching for something that was always just beyond her reach .
13 FOUR years after it was burned it to the ground in a disastrous fire , a Catholic church is rising from the ashes .
14 Mrs Maugham would often abuse this garden and the widower 's laziness , with a self-righteous , alarming complacency , saying that it was a scandal and a disgrace , and that it ought not to be allowed : and when one day Clara , exasperated , as she sometimes rashly was , out of her usual silence , asked her what harm it was doing anybody , Mrs Maugham had snapped triumphantly that it was harming everybody in the street , because it helped the weeds to spread .
15 And there 's , er , I mean it was showing somebody round the other day and we were talking about it and , and erm they 're saying , yeah I mean , you 've got seven urinals there , so let's say you have a busy night , you 're full , I mean that 's when damage gets done when people
16 It was sunning itself on the path .
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