Example sentences of "it can be [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From the results of the survey it can be seen that many of the welfare assistants had varied and substantial experience of children and schools .
2 It can be seen that many issues on the administrative side affect the social services .
3 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
4 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
5 ( " on inspection with a microscope it can be seen that each nucleus consists of two identical filaments " )
6 However , when these figures are broken down , it can be seen that certain groups , such as single women over 75 , are less likely to have an occupational pension , and , if they do , the average amount is less .
7 Thus it can be seen that individual help at the reference desk has both advantages and disadvantages as a method of library user instruction .
8 It can be seen that all the mains parts , except socket SK1 , are mounted on the board which greatly simplifies the interwiring , also making the unit that much more reliable .
9 Given that the average score for all A-level entrants was 5.4 , it can be seen that all non-standard entry groups , apart from those entering on the basis of 1–4 O-levels , performed at least as well or better than the average A-level entrants .
10 From this examination of some of the many patterns of family life which exist in Britain in the 1980s it can be seen that traditional views of the family are unsupported by research findings .
11 It can be seen that continued administration of the remedy once the disease disturbance has been overcome will result in the presence of an energy pattern of the remedy itself i.e. a proving .
12 It can be seen that 17 per cent altogether were employed , including 6 per cent with part-time study and 11 per cent without ( this is an overestimate as it is a category which also included the ‘ unclassifiable ’ — not all of whom were in work ) .
13 It can be seen that female unemployment accounted for between 25 and 32 per cent of total recorded unemployment during the period , though it was growing at a somewhat faster rate than male unemployment .
14 It can be seen that vertical mergers are relatively rare .
15 It can be seen that considerable pressure is being put on the land by these many uses .
16 In addition , the scale factors A and B satisfying ( 6.13 ) and ( 6.14 ) must contain components of S , and from ( 10.3 ) it can be seen that these components are also non-linear in V .
17 It can be seen that these functions satisfy the required O'Brien-Synge boundary conditions .
18 It can be seen that these two main goals overlap to a considerable extent , but that emphasis for the end-user lies within a subject area and is therefore closely dependent on subject knowledge , whereas emphasis for the intermediary lies on breadth of knowledge — on the coverage and organization of many databases and the operation of a number of processing systems .
19 Mention has already been made of the significance of national trends in age structure , but it can be seen that these effects can be substantially reinforced at the regional and local level through migration .
20 However , compared with the 1989 figures it can be seen that these industries are not without their difficulties .
21 Once it is realized that signals that change cells ' behaviour do not really carry intricate information , then it can be seen that any complexity of behaviour lies in the cells ' capacity to respond rather than in complexity in the signals .
22 It can be seen that any contractual remedy that P2 has would be against P1 .
23 They seem to have difficulty in transferring from the junior to the senior game and get disheartened and take up coaching although it can be seen that British players do not start getting their best results until their mid-twenties and beyond .
24 It can be seen that this very advantage now becomes disadvantageous after a time-zone transition when an adjustment of our body to new local time is required .
25 As such it can be seen that this is not a zero-based allocation system or a total formula-based system .
26 It can be seen that this was essentially the plan put forward by Stirling in his original submission for the attack .
27 In agreement with their assertion that the principal phase of gas generation from humic sources commences at a maturity level equivalent to R + 1% , it can be seen that this level would be achieved at + 11700 ft ( 3500 m ) using the standard maturity-depth gradient ( Fig. 2 ) .
28 In retrospect , it can be seen that this failure was , in part , due to the inappropriateness of the mixture .
29 It can be seen that this was a way of ‘ blaming the victim ’ : it seems as though the young person had failed to find a job because they had not filled in the application form properly or were too untidy , rather than because there were not enough jobs .
30 Table 29 summarises before and after information for completed schemes and it can be seen that this target is being achieved with a total estimated reduction of 52 accidents for local road schemes with a further reduction of 16 on trunk roads .
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