Example sentences of "it can [adv] be [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The draft for this is almost complete but it ca n't be finalised until the costs of the revised programme have been agreed for each of the participating nations .
2 That actually means something — it 's not frivolous — so consequently it ca n't be classed as , or even thought of as , old fashioned . ’
3 This debate will never be resolved unless it can firmly be established whether searching for early prostatic cancer on a community basis is worthwhile in clinical , resource , and social terms .
4 Therefore it can either be seen as Susan 's capital or as a current account balance due to Susan .
5 In assessing whether there is likely to be prejudice and if so whether it can properly be described as serious , the following matters should be borne in mind : first , the power of the judge at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence ; secondly , the trial process itself , which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay will be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , together with the powers of the judge to give appropriate directions to the jury before they consider their verdict .
6 In assessing whether there is likely to be prejudice and if so whether it can properly be described as serious , the following matters should be borne in mind : first , the power of the judge at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence ; secondly , the trial process itself , which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay will be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , together with the powers of the judge to give appropriate directions to the jury before they consider their verdict .
7 It may , of course , be reintroduced into the House of Lord ; and passed again in a later session , but it can not be enacted until the House of Commons passes it .
8 Whilst , therefore , the criterion of the owner 's nationality is consistent with a fairly widespread international practice , it can not be regarded as forming part of customary international law .
9 ‘ After anxious consideration I have reached the conclusion that whatever Reg. v. Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and that Reg. v. Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that the property passed under a voidable contract .
10 ( f ) Parker LJ stated : " whatever R v Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Lawrence 's case that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and …
11 This reserve may be replaced annually , keeping the stock régulateur as fresh as possible , but it can not be increased unless and until the INAO grant another blocage of excess production .
12 From them it goes to manufacturing engineers , who , as like as not , discover that it can not be built as designed so far , and that the whole process must start again .
13 Note that it can not be formulated as ‘ always calculate proportions along the rows ’ ; this would only work if the explanatory variable was always put in the rows , and no such convention has been established .
14 The strength or his argument is such that it can not be dismissed as merely a distortion of the formula by which ‘ capitalism , is understood as the guarantor of ‘ bourgeois freedom ’ .
15 However , the bare infinitive is also found after how , and although this construction is far less frequent than the one with to , it can not be dismissed as nonce usage since fifteen cases have come to light thus far .
16 In the type of market situation examined here , it can not be justified if a cost-leadership policy based on a belief in the experience curve is pursued .
17 It can not be applied because we lack the starting point — a law of gravitation consistent with SR .
18 Since do evokes the very taking place in time of the infinitive 's event , it is obvious that it can not be conceived as arising prior to the latter , i.e. as constituting a before-position with respect to this event .
19 But it can not be solved unless we change people 's ideas about punishment .
20 It can not be designed before the functioning gearbox has been conceived and must thus be considered as a component of the gearbox space .
21 For these and other reasons , it can not be taken as axiomatic that the most extreme threats are the most effective .
22 It also anticipates Marx-ism , Freudianism and modern free-market capitalism in its insistence that it can not be criticised because there is no position outside from which to criticise it .
23 Rather , it seems that , in its usage at least , it can best be seen as having been incorporated into the neoclassical compromise which has dominated most Western criminal justice systems .
24 It can also be played as football cricket where the ball is kicked instead of being hit with the bat .
25 It can also be viewed as combining elements of treaty law with territorial competence : the acceptance of the territory within the previously agreed boundaries incurs acceptance of any conditions that were negotiated at the time of the boundary settlement .
26 It can also be asked whether the influence of a factor is confined to a particular ‘ sensitive period ’ .
27 The setting might appear incongruous but it can also be seen as being particularly poignant .
28 It can also be used when several results have already been found but people are unable to proceed further to a generalisation ; for instance , they may have failed to spot a linear relationship or a well-known number-sequence in their results .
29 You will need to wear a watch to time the starts ; this should be worn on the wrist of your right hand , with the face on the inside , so that in the final seconds of a frantic starboard tack start it can easily be read whilst in the sailing position .
30 Also , charcoal is preferred because of its steady and concentrated heat , its smokeless burning , and because it can easily be extinguished when the fire is no longer needed .
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