Example sentences of "it have been [verb] for many " in BNC.

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1 This approach , a very recent development for credit in this country ( though of course it has been accepted for many years as the basis of car insurance ratings ) , started in America .
2 Let us begin by trying to understand the rationale for the system ; after all , it has been used for many years and must presumably have had some point to it .
3 It has been used for many years in traveller 's diarrhoea , as a colostomy deodoriser , and as an antispirochetal agent in syphilis .
4 These are in addition to applications in the detergents field , in which it has been used for many years .
5 It has been known for many years that damage to the left hemisphere is more likely to affect language ability than damage to the right , suggesting that the left hemisphere is very important for language .
6 For example , it is still commonplace in cartoons to show cavemen and dinosaurs together , despite the fact that it has been known for many years that dinosaurs were extinct long before the evolution of ‘ cavemen ’ .
7 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
8 It has been known for many years that neurons , like other cells , can be maintained alive and well under such conditions for periods of many days or even weeks , provided they are kept warm , aerated and well fed with glucose and other essential molecules .
9 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
10 It has been occurring for many years and has been embodied in legislation such as the Housing Acts of 1935 and 1957 , although numbers of sales have fluctuated considerably according to the political complexions of the government of the day .
11 The garden city lobby alleged that the vested interests of London had worked against a decentralist approach , for which it had been striving for many years , and F.J. Osborn acknowledged in correspondence with Lewis Mumford that the Plan was a bitter disappointment to him and the Town and Country Planning Association ( TCPA ) :
12 It had been used for many years as a staff hostel for an Oxford Street department store .
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