Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This workbook was further developed to become the Basic Skills Workbook , in 1974 , and it has served as a model for many library workbooks throughout the world .
2 On the one hand it has appeared as a focus for resistance .
3 Or by a robin quite determinedly attacking a bundle of red feathers that it has mistaken as an invader to its territory while ignoring an adjacent and perfectly good-looking stuffed robin , but lacking the all-important red feather flash .
4 For all the centuries of recorded time it has existed as an art in which style and fashion were set by the taste of an aristocracy ; bourgeois jewellery , peasant jewellery in less precious materials such as we now call costume jewellery , all imitated court fashion …
5 Since 1987 it has emerged as the number one buyer of privatised bus companies , picking up operators from Inverness to Hampshire .
6 To mix the metaphor , Western trade has been a sedative , not a tonic ; it has acted as a brake on reform , not a stimulant .
7 I hope that the panel will feel that it has had as a result of the position statements before it , and the discussions over the last few days , sufficient information to decide whether to exclude certain sectors .
8 Ray Fell , chairman of the Leeds United Supporters ' Club said : ‘ It has come as a kick in the stomach . ’
9 It has come as a shock to realise that your magazine can no longer be relied on to present the relevant information in a straightforward factual manner .
10 If it has died as a result of dog fighting then immediate action will be taken to stamp this odious business out straight away . ’
11 Perhaps the most remarkable achievement of OSO is not only that it has continued as a headquarters unit functioning from Glasgow for so long , but that it survived the Thatcher era as an interventionist wing of Government intended to nudge work in the direction of British industry .
12 The breed was initially dual-purpose , whatever its colour , but for the most part ceded its milking role to the neighbouring Ayrshire ; it has continued as a beef breed but has never been intensively developed for that role .
13 It has evolved as an idea from a previous initiative in 1983 known as management budgeting .
14 It had functioned as a workshop throughout , in contrast with the other two which remained entirely agricultural .
15 The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania ( HDUR ) held no post , as it had stipulated as a condition the creation of a Ministry for National Minorities .
16 It had served as a community arts centre which ended in a dreadful financial muddle , with an unsavoury reputation among the town 's staider citizens , and a very popular bar which managed to lose money .
17 Defending the move , the Energy Minister , Steve Tashjian , said that it was the only way open to Armenia to regain the generating power it had lost as a result of the energy blockade by neighbouring Azerbaijan and the disruption of gas supplies from Georgia because of fighting .
18 Georgia left the State Council , whose Sept. 6 meeting it had attended as an observer , because of the Council 's refusal to discuss Georgian independence , by contrast with its official recognition of the Baltic states [ see p. 38419 ] .
19 Although it had come as a shock , for he had never made it his business to enquire into the ramifications of his family , he had found a morbid humour in the situation .
20 It had started as a game but had taken over their lives , almost .
21 It had started as an evening of fun , said Harper 's defence team , 5 young people doing what young people have done for centuries .
22 I mean , it 's partly I suppose because I do n't watch a lot of football , but women 's football is not generally , it 's occasionally you get an article in the press and it 's seen as a kind of freakish thing !
23 You 've got , in fact , to work out what their proper significance is , but there 's no doubt that it 's seen as a kind of turning point , and although it was a Roman Catholic Council , its effect has been marked on all aspects of Christian life in Europe and , well , through the world .
24 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
25 But if it 's done as a way of accelerating the child 's development , in order , as it were , to give it the edge over its peers , that does n't seem to me to suggest a relationship in which parent and child are enjoying each other ; it is much more a relationship in which the child is being prepared for competition with its peers and this , I feel , probably is going to turn out badly , because almost inevitably the child will not reach the levels that the parent has build up in fantasy in its own mind .
26 But I mean the style of it is obviously jacketed person , blousey , cos it 's collar and she 's got three buttons at the front and it 's fitted as a jacket as opposed to a tuck in a blouse .
27 If it 's expressed as a percentage of patients the bar on the left side represents those sites who performed more than one hundred cases during the audit period .
28 Erm and if it 's expressed as a number of factors ,
29 It 's classified as a wholesaler but the supermarkets say Costco should be subject to the same planning rules as retailers .
30 It 's known as a hippo-bath-day on this one .
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