Example sentences of "it have [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because the RAWP formula is only used to determine shares of the nationally allocated budget for the NHS , it has not suffered from the same instability of allocations for individual Regional Health Authorities that has occurred for Local Authorities .
2 ‘ If you look at past efforts to launch soccer here in the States it has not met with a great deal of viewing support , ’ said Bill Sherman , a vice president with the McCann Ericson advertising agency .
3 In Darwin 's version pangenesis could not be squared with these cytological generalizations ; for , if each of the two masses of gemmules coming together at fertilization is taken to be one cell , then it has not arisen in the division of one cell in that parent ; while , if each is taken to be a myriad of cells , then far too many are coming together at fertilization .
4 In the 23 years that that council has been in existence , it has not complied with the 1968 Act .
5 It has not listened on a whole series of points , even though I am very grateful that amendments have been agreed to in the course of our debate this evening .
6 Erm but it has n't to the best of my knowledge it has not resulted in a rash of of developments and motorway intersections .
7 Microsoft Corp announced that its chief financial officer and executive vice-president of worldwide operations Frank Gaudette , 57 , died early on Friday after an eight-month fight with lymphatic cancer ; the Redmond company says that it has not thought about a successor .
8 Unfortunately it has not paid for the creation of a large modern high-tech manufacturing sector or created permanent jobs in the service sector on anything like the scale required for the future .
9 It has not happened since the end of the Second World War , but before the 1987 election , when some commentators were predicting a hung parliament , much thought was given to what the Queen would do about forming a government if they turned out to be right .
10 ‘ I have only just begun discussions with Celtic over renewing my contract and it has not got to the stage of the manager making me an offer , ’ said the player whose ability to impose himself on the opposition might be thought worthy of international recognition .
11 Now , you can see that coin down there , if you look carefully , you can see it you ca n't get it , you know where it is , it has n't gone through a hole into the centre of the earth it has n't , sort of , disappeared into outer space , you know exactly where it is , the chances are you could pin point it within a few inches of where i , even if you ca n't see it you know where it is , but you ca n't get at it to you , it 's lost you know it 's geographic location , you know when it went there , you know everything about it , you only thing is you ca n't get at it !
12 If Mr does n't like field sports he should seek , try to seek to persuade Parliament to ban it he 'll have an excellent opportunity because he 'll , he 's told us that he 'll be an MP shortly that 's what 's happening , that 's what 's happened in the case of cock fighting and badger baiting it has n't happened in the case of fox hunting and Mr should n't abuse his position as a councillor to dictate to the council 's tenants in the way that he proposes .
13 erm The more recent developments in erm women 's fiction , feminist fiction , erm the lead has come there certainly from America so that not only do you have leading erm women novelists but you have leading women black novelists and black women novelists and this erm of course may very well come , and I hope it does , in this country , but it has n't come at the moment .
14 It has n't passed on a penny to the landlord … and his tenancy agreement may not now be worth the paper it 's written on
15 It says it has n't passed on the cost of those decreasing hardware margins to customers via higher software and services cost , rather it is simply targeting those areas where customers are going to spend more of their money .
16 It is not difficult — though may be expensive — to hire a guide for a day ( or a week ) so that you find the best snow available at each time of the day and each season , whether it has n't snowed for a week or is blizzarding as you start the day .
17 It may consider it will get better marketing support from Novell and the Univel partnership than it has previously had from the relatively small SCO operation here .
18 So your missing 6Mb probably is n't missing at all ; it has simply disappeared between the projected compression ratio and the actual !
19 This also means that it has been introduced by humans to a lot of places it 's not native to — Indonesian islands , mainly — and it has widely hybridised with the introduced wild boar .
20 Having liquidated one in four employees during the past few years and having promised to treat its workforce to more of the same during 1993 , IBM should have surprised no one by investing some of the money it has presumably saved in an organisation formed by the people who produced the most recent Terminator film .
21 It has also co-operated with the further education sector in Northern Ireland to develop BTEC courses at National Diploma level , both as an expansion of existing provision and as an alternative to the Certificate in Foundation Studies offered by the University .
22 It has also led to the emergence of a handful of multi-dimensional spreadsheet products , which can typically hold data in up to 12 dimensions instead of the usual two or three , and let you ‘ slice and dice ’ the view of the information along these different dimensions .
23 Together with the Commonwealth Secretariat , it has also called on the Guyanese government to grant local Indian tribes legal rights to hunt and gather in the reserve , as well as intellectual property rights over genetic materials found in the forest .
24 It has also drawn upon the experience of two of its members in broadcasting and recording .
25 That book has not only attracted innumerable youngsters towards a laboratory career , it has also triggered off a wide range of faction — from Warner Bros 's contributions to bacteriology ( The Story of Louis Pasteur with Paul Muni in 1935 and The Story of a Ehrlich 's Magic Bullet with Edward G. Robinson in 1940 ) to the BBC Television series Microbes and Men in 1974 .
26 Industry is in no position to undertake a surcharge on its costs , and will probably reply , as it has just done on the question of arts funding , that industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding : it is not available as a substitute for it .
27 The Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines , ZCCM , will be asked to pay for the environmental damage it has allegedly caused for the last 24 years , under the terms of the recently-approved Environment and Pollution Act .
28 Guarded by a collective representation in which theft and violence reside in a dangerous class , morally elevated by its correctional quest , the state achieves the legitimacy of its pacific intention and the acceptance of legality — even when it goes to war and massively perpetuates activities it has allegedly banned from the world .
29 Fujitsu Ltd says it has successfully implemented of the world 's fastest Gallium Arsenide gate array .
30 Much work has been undertaken on this aircraft and it has clearly got into the blood of those at PE , so much so that should the SAAF Museum at Swartkop , near Pretoria , ever wish to move there , they would find a fearsome fight on their hands !
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