Example sentences of "it be not [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nah , it 's not intended that way , ’ says the motormouth .
2 ‘ Nah , it 's not intended that way , ’ says the motormouth .
3 I had hoped that the facts would make themselves so apparent that the motive could emerge in its own good time — but it 's not looking that way at all .
4 It 's feeding quite well , but the strange thing is it 's not making any progress . ’
5 Forget it , it 's not making any difference .
6 But it 's just lying in the bank dormant and it 's not making any interest I know it 's not being , I know we 're not being charged but
7 I just keep it spinning until it gets to a point where it 's not making more power and then shift gears .
8 Yeah but you find most of them do n't inhale anyway so it 's not doing any damage .
9 It 's not meant that way .
10 It is not borrowing any works from the Musée d'Art Moderne , Paris , or from MOMA , but will be relying heavily on loans from Swiss and French private collections .
11 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
12 With regard to " temporality " ( in the sense in which this concept was used above ) , this can not be regarded as a sufficient condition of particularity so long as it is not shown that temporality alone ( in the indicated sense ) ensures numerical identity of particulars ; and if we are to be able to justifiably claim that it is a necessary condition of particularity , we must first show that there can be no extra-temporal particulars . "
13 It is not anticipated that LMS will bring any difference : such is the power of consultation — of involvement and ownership — in creating a clear , working consensus within a school community .
14 It is not doing any harm , ’ he said , ‘ in the window of Peter Robinson . ’
15 Unless detected at an early stage weight loss is an inevitable result of pancreatic insufficiency , but before this becomes apparent the dog 's appetite will have increased , simply because it is not absorbing enough nutrients .
16 AVS supports the remaining Stardent/AVS installations , but admits it is n't making much money there .
17 It was n't planned that way , she just did n't happen too quickly .
18 It was n't doing any good .
19 It follows a public outcry by fans , after the rink 's owners closed it down because it was n't making any money .
20 Alec Monk , formerly international advertising controller at Nestlé , refused to approve any commercial in which the brand name failed to appear in the first seven or eight seconds , and in which it was not repeated several times .
21 It was not raining this time and the train went through to Latimer Road unhindered .
22 So so what you 're saying is it was not related that credit was refused , not because of that fact that say people were actually on benefits , cos er the same person actually somewhere else would would probably get It 's the very fact they actually live in the flats , that actually has largely accounted for people not being able to get credit .
23 British Airways reported very few cancellations and it was not axing any flights .
24 When he bent that famous craggy face and strong jaw down from its natural elevation to the level of ordinary human beings it was not to advance any opinions or tell any anecdotes of his own .
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