Example sentences of "it be [vb pp] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now it 's hoped to restore it to its unfinished state and open a unique college for stonemasons .
2 Unfortunately it 's chosen to do it with the Disc .
3 The question is , does this added complexity and the assumption on which it is based add anything to the overall performance ?
4 These have been taken down for conservation and it is hoped to replace them with copies .
5 The show will coincide with an international congress of archaeologists , and it is hoped to tour it to the US , France , Japan and Germany before converting it into permanent museum .
6 When it is finished show it to someone for comment ; the results can be surprising .
7 ‘ Not only does the present law put all the blame on an unfortunate woman , it is used to punish her for her misfortune .
8 One IWC official has pointed out that , since Norway formally objected to the moratorium when originally passed in 1982 , it is allowed to exempt itself from the terms .
9 It is designed to push you to your limits , both physically and mentally , but the sense of personal satisfaction you will feel at the end of it will make it all worth while .
10 Instead , it is designed to assist you in considering how charts and diagrams can make the presentation of data more interesting and informative .
11 In 1557 the Tiber changed its course and Ostia Antica ( as it is termed to differentiate it from the modern Lido town ) is now a few kilometres inland and not on the riverside any more .
12 Oh , no ; whatever it was wanted to introduce itself at some stage , because one night she was lying staring at the dark when it seemed as though her head simply filled out into a large horizon .
13 A 40-FOOT Blue Cedar tree in Liss is enjoying a change of scenery after it was moved to save it from being felled to make way for a new garage .
14 Consciousness deteriorated and , since the pain ‘ could no longer be relieved ’ , it was decided to kill her with a large dose of opioids .
15 In order to collect information about the dementia sufferer 's informal or family carers it was decided to interview them in depth , using a semi-structured questionnaire ( see Appendix I ) .
16 When Anna was three years old it was decided to put her in foal , but many nose twitches , injections , and rectal examinations later , she was still not pregnant ; so she was sold .
17 Until 1925 it had been possible for Communists to be represented in all sections of the Labour Party but at the liverpool Conference it was decided to exclude them from membership .
18 By April of 1824 he had failed to abate the nuisance , and it was decided to present him with a formal notice to desist .
19 Neither ailment had been positively identified when she arrived at the Royal and it was decided to transfer her for further investigation .
20 It was decided to adopt it as the standard background , keeping open the possibility of using pieces of velvet in special cases .
21 It was hoped to refloat her on the next high water at 2120 and the Greek master had requested lifeboat assistance .
22 In the case of Alan Charlton , he has these six very fine grey panels , by very fine I just mean they are handsomely proportioned , they are very carefully coloured to a very precise , not just colour but also weight of colour and brightness and so on , but the way they 're shown in the Royal Academy Exhibition , and this is part of it 's stupidity , is , well I got the feeling it was intended to kill them to stone dead by putting them next to something very loud , very elaborate , very expressionist , a vast canvass by a very good painter by Mutter .
23 The document authorizes an unusually large payment , and it has been plausibly conjectured that it was intended to reimburse him for expenses connected with the ‘ impressing ’ of choirboys for the chapel , which had been ordered in 1440 .
24 The ambiguous status of blacks , as neither invaders nor indigenous Americans , caused some controversy but it was agreed to keep them within the overall campaign .
25 The war in the Gulf was not fought to liberate Kuwait from a medieval fiefdom , it was fought to liberate it from Iraqi occupation .
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