Example sentences of "it be [verb] that [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 More fundamentally , however , because the suggested analogy at once breaks down when it is recognised that the public interest immunity presently in question is not , or at least not principally , confidentiality-based .
32 It is recognised that the multi-million dollar high technology companies have dabbled in throughput , life cycle and activity-based costing techniques , some have even tested Japanese target costing .
33 13.2.2 However , it is recognised that the Academic Partners will be expected to publish the results of their work on the project and may wish to disclose such work in ways other than by publication .
34 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
35 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
36 It is said that a Dark Elf assassin emerged from his hiding place beneath the piles of bones and struck Tethlis down with a poisoned blade .
37 In Cornwall , south-western England , it is said that a giant white hare named Looe gambols along the clifftops on evenings when there is a full moon .
38 It is said that a British ornithologist asked his aborigine guide what the birds were and the guide said , in aboriginese , ‘ good food ’ : I suppose we 're lucky he did n't say ‘ birds , you dickhead ’ .
39 Thus it is said that a particular decision was taken by Sir Bryan Carsberg rather than by Oftel .
40 Although these cheeses are very popular in Europe ( it is said that the average German eats 5kg/11lb of quark a year , accounting for half their cheese intake ) they may become a passing fad of the era of nouvelle cuisine in the UK .
41 However , in another report ( EP , 26 January 1987 ) it is said that the average proportion of all contributions to the Federal Fund used for direct investment has not exceeded 2.5 per cent .
42 These men will not readily wear garment of crotal when going to sea , as it is said that the crotal plant was plucked from the rocks and will therefore return to the rocks .
43 It is said that the masked lady died there in childbirth .
44 But it is said that the Kal yuga gives way to the Sat yuga when the manifested power of the Life Force has reached its lowest ebb .
45 Nor am I impressed by the floodgates argument — it is said that the Divisional Court would be overwhelmed by applications to review visitors ' decisions .
46 It is said that the final preparations owed their antibacterial activity to the phenol which they contained as a preservative .
47 It is said that the reclining river-god is a Hellenistic invention .
48 By handling an object , it is said that the sensitive person can not only identify its owner , but describe his character and even his whereabouts .
49 It is said that the original Shorthorn ( as a British type rather than as a general term for short horned cattle ) was being bred by the Dukes of Northumberland in the sixteenth century and was probably descended from a mixture of red Anglo-Saxon cattle with red and white Dutch ‘ Hollanders ’ and ‘ Zeelands ’ that are typified in the Paul Potter painting , The Young Bull .
50 This is not to argue that these practices should not be abhorred and punished by society but it is to say that the underlying tendency may be addictive in nature and may therefore require the specific treatment appropriate for any addictive disease .
51 What is dangerous about the theory of ideology is that having described the structural relationship between knowledge and extant social relations , it is presumed that a correct attitude will enable the ‘ true ’ account of the world to emerge .
52 It is presumed that the original building had a textile manufacturing purpose but it was not until 1847 that there was a definite record of shawl printing .
53 It is in fact no more ‘ theoreticist ’ than the basic liberal idea of culture , in which It is presumed that the universal source of cultural production is ‘ individual expression ’ , so that to study the social relations of cultural activity is to describe the conditions which bear on this norm , permitting or preventing its ‘ free exercise ’ .
54 The mother through her counsel has sought to support the decision of the justices except in so far as it is conceded that the prohibited steps order in relation to the two adults was wrong , and likewise although in the court below the guardian ad litem had reluctantly supported the interim care order , the guardian ad litem today seeks to uphold the justices ' decision .
55 [ His Lordship considered the authorities , including Smith v. William Charlick Ltd. [ 1924 ] 34 C.L.R. 38 at 56 where Isaacs J. said : ‘ It is conceded that the only ground on which the promise to repay could be implied is ‘ compulsion . ’
56 The third criticism is that the medical basis of the Infanticide Act 1938 is now discredited : the reference to the effect of lactation is without foundation , and it is acknowledged that the social pressures consequent upon the arrival of a new child ( such as financial demands , unsuitable housing , effects on family relationships ) may be just as likely to lead to the mental disturbance manifest in these cases as any condition linked specifically with the event of giving birth .
57 The curve corresponding to this is included in Fig. 21.17 ( the logarithmic plotting now serving to expand this region ) and it is seen that the experimental points fall on it for .
58 For the moment part-time and funded by the University , it is hoped that a private benefactor will be able to endow the chair for a full-time professor .
59 It is hoped that a wide range of other readers in allied services and occupations may also find something of interest in it .
60 It is hoped that a mobile advice centre will tour the area with the aim of making young people more aware of their rights and responsibilities in such areas as work , YTS and welfare benefits .
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