Example sentences of "it be [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It 's not the answer to all education 's problems , of course .
2 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
3 Language is the key to understanding those around you , and for these toddlers it 's also the key to making sure others understand them .
4 It is not the means to an end conceived elsewhere : but an ‘ as if ’ , no less substantial than the as if of revolution itself .
5 For the future , technology transfer will remain a way of managing Soviet dilemmas , and perhaps ours , but it is not the key to our problems , nor the solution to theirs .
6 It is not the panacea to all our ills and also we 've got ta make it quite clear to the Labour Party that they can not use and the acquired rights directive to include compulsion in competitive tendering .
7 Hilton recognises that while it is apparently unreasonable for man governed by reason utterly to devalue himself and attribute any good things which he does to Christ it is nevertheless the route to true identity , away from the temporal accidents which attract the self , to its essential which is discovered in Christ himself .
8 But it is again the home to which Saunders gives his prime attention .
9 It is when the claim to neutrality is seen , as it must be , as a sham that damage is done to the judicial system .
10 If the leak is high up , then it is probably the roof to gutter joint which is sealed from new and , as the sealer ages , it allows water to enter the vehicle .
11 It is not just the disruption to my life , but it is also the waste to the hospital . ’
12 It is also the key to a Pandora 's Box of problems over rights and copyright .
13 It is also the interface to Novell Inc NetWare , facsimile and telex .
14 It is also the interface to Novell NetWare , fax and telex .
15 It is also the complement to the extraordinary cult of the Great Patriotic War , whose presence in Soviet society it is impossible to escape : in the Ural Military District , where no German soldier set foot , there are 675 monuments to war dead .
16 Today , America 's Thanksgiving Day , it is certainly the place to be for the world 's best technical and all-round skiers .
17 Today , Thanksgiving Day , it is certainly the place to be .
18 In the overall scheme of things , however , loyalist violence has a different effect — and it is quite the opposite to what is intended .
19 It is only the answers to these questions that can really enable you to judge an ad , although it will certainly be good supporting evidence if the answers to the earlier questions are favourable .
20 Lovely as the peak experience is , it is only the path to the transcendent .
21 It was n't the time to be playing silly games .
22 But it was not the damage to his hand or the rest of the obvious physical damage that made a tragedy for Tom .
23 Intelligent independent critics like Beaton and popular magazines like Photoplay knew that Vidor 's work was good but they also knew that it was not the answer to Hollywood 's problems .
24 It was also the key to understanding the workings of power in the present and the future .
25 It was just the opposite to before the 1979 Open .
26 It was partly the proximity to the fens , for though they 'd long since been drained and farmed , all the fields were bound by ditches and dykes and he felt as if the land was oozing bog water , or sinking imperceptibly into some primeval slime .
27 She said homeopathy had come full circle now and it was quite the in-thing to be treated by herbal remedies .
28 It was originally the farm to a nearby monastery .
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