Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Well , so it is most of the time .
2 It is only for the time being .
3 It is only during the time of waiting , wrote Harsnet , during the time without hope , that these things assume significance , only during the time without hope that one is conscious of them , that one remembers them with despair , that one anticipates them with dread .
4 ‘ We ca n't fix a definite time of death until after the post mortem , but we 're working on the assumption that it was shortly after the time agreed for the rendezvous — midnight .
5 It was shortly before the time Luke usually arrived on Fridays , and up until today she would have made some excuse to Florian , but reviviscent pride demanded a gesture .
6 It was n't at the time , ’ she said , ‘ because I did n't know it was inexplicable .
7 and so you know looking back on it , was all rather funny but erm , it was n't at the time of course particularly for the children and erm mothers .
8 It was n't at the time because you had a real complex about it but
9 Seb knew it was well past the time he and Carrie should have retired to their respective bedrooms , but he found the thought of mentioning bed vaguely embarrassing .
10 Erm so that is and what we 're doing is to try and recreate the appearance of the house as it was not in the time when the canons had it , but when William had it because we know a lot about him and his family and also we know more about the furnishings of that period .
11 It was just around the time you were born , Baptiste said : I do n't remember it either .
12 We held a referendum on Britain 's membership of the Community in order to extract the Labour party from the difficulty that it was in at the time .
13 However , although early Greek literacy must therefore also be labelled ‘ restricted ’ , the foundation was nevertheless being laid for future developments of the ‘ full ’ potential of literacy : ‘ It was only by the time of Plato that the language had changed sufficiently to express new ideas ’ ( ibid . ) .
14 Yeah I , I , I think , I think it was about by the time he , he 'd had this allowance from you know going to College , I , I think it left him with about twenty seven bob a week , which was n't bad you know .
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