Example sentences of "it be [adj] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A trail marked with simple stone arches every half mile or so leads to Las Ruinas on top of each , but it 's easy to lose yourself in the maze of secondary trails which weave between the small fields .
2 It 's stupid to wet yourself like a baby .
3 erm well I mean I think there 's a problem for adults as well as children in that we I do n't think it 's helpful to cover ourselves in guilt about erm what happens to the suffering that other people experience , arguably erm in order to maintain us in the living standards , you know , we 've learned to expect , but at the same time I think that the situation in the world is only tolerable to us psychologically because on some level we convince ourselves that erm those people who are starving and those children who are in a hysterically trying to keep themselves out of the way of shrapnel and hiding night after night in freezing cold shelters in Baghdad are not really people and not really children in the same way that we 're people and our children are children , and do n't feel things in the same way .
4 It 's hard to put yourself on the line ; you need incredible conviction , and you 've got to be dead sure about what you 're doing , because leading a band is absolutely riddled with paranoia .
5 However , in writing for school or amateur orchestras it is wiser to restrict oneself to hand-tuned drums , though there is nothing to prevent one writing a mechanical timpani part with an optional alternative part for hand-tuned instruments .
6 This rather convoluted question fits a particular pattern which it is useful to familiarise yourself with : ( a ) a quote captures a general perception ; then ( b ) you are asked about some other writer ( or invited to select a writer ) where it is plausible to think the quote may be relevant ; then ( c ) you are asked to discuss this second writer in the light of the quote .
7 It is useful to avail ourselves of the general habit of personifying the law and talking of what it requires , permits , claims , authorizes , etc .
8 But it is dangerous to allow yourself to be taken away from the clients .
9 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
10 The sharing of genes means that it is possible to sacrifice myself for my sister in such a way that , even if I die in the process , a proportion of my genes will survive in the next generation .
11 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
12 If so , do n't despair : it is possible to liberate yourself from this unacceptable ‘ tyranny ’ of a toddler ( as it so often is ) or of an older child .
13 The assumption is that of I. A. Richards : that it is possible to disengage oneself from one 's own prejudices , beliefs , experiences , indeed , one 's own historical and social location , in order to shape a purely aesthetic or literary response to the text .
14 The betrayer , Oswald , believes that it is possible to cut oneself off from the past ( compare the argument between Tom Paine and Burke about the British constitution ; is it desirable to imitate the French and abolish the past by Revolution ? ) .
15 If , as in the last illustration , you decide that a fact can be inferred from what is given , though not explicitly stated , it is wise to guard yourself by stating expressly that you assume the fact to exist .
16 But it is important to push yourself to the absolute limits of your endurance .
17 It is important to see themselves as ‘ good ’ people .
18 Although we do not need to reconsider all the issues relating to the corporatisation of local government during the 1970s , it is important to remind ourselves of the widespread adoption of policy and resources committees , consisting of the senior elected members ( with sub-committees specialising in land , finance , personnel and performance review ) .
19 It is important to protect yourself from such kill-joys .
20 As regular , well-known members of the church it is difficult to put ourselves into the shoes of the first-time visitor .
21 It is difficult to separate yourself from your position when you are in a top job and having fun .
22 An experienced photographer should have pointed out these things but it is sensible to acquaint yourself with some basic knowledge .
23 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
24 It is vital to protect yourself against the loss of such a key person .
25 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
26 ‘ Times when it is hard to take yourself to the 1st tee .
27 It is hard to put yourself in the mind of a general , , Cameron answered .
28 It is wonderful to lose yourself for a little while and you do meet such nice Medau people who do n't mind if you ca n't do it quite right and nearly drop your club on their foot !
29 It falls relatively easy prey to a large number of its predators — man , foxes , stoats , weasels , mink , buzzards and others — yet it is able to maintain itself in very significant numbers and those very numbers do , in fact , shield other important members of the British wildlife community from a high degree of predation .
30 Belinda did n't know exactly where they were going , and in her five hard-working years in Brisbane had never been through these opulent suburbs before , but in a way it was nicer to surrender herself to a mystery drive .
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