Example sentences of "it [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 The Inland Revenue Budget Press Release of 16 March 1993 dealing with the taxation of dividends , paras 24 – 29 , reads thus : 24 Where trustees of trusts in which a beneficiary has an interest in possession receive income , they pass it on to the beneficiary with a credit at the basic rate .
2 CONSOLES STREETFIGHTER 2 ( SNES , £64.99 ) : The celebrated Capcom coin-op makes it on to the SNES with more head-to-head action than Lennox Lewis could handle .
3 He refuses to play for the moment , boldly pressing on where others tend to dwell ; yet , with those Philadelphians really turning it on for the composer with whom this orchestra is most indelibly associated , superbly captured in Decca sound of great sumptuousness and tonal allure ( even if not always ideally balanced ) , it all makes for compulsive listening .
4 He reached into his gaming box and brought forth a piece , setting it down on the board with a satisfied air .
5 Taczek hoisted his fist and smacked it down on the table with a hollow bang .
6 For a moment Henry thought she was going to hit him , and then , instead , she seized the receiver from him and , sweeping it down to the floor with her she poured love , support , tenderness and quietness down the line .
7 Matters arising through the procedure from any individual or any group of individuals on the shop floor , was dealt with primarily and respectfully so in regard to the individual making an approach to the foreman , if no settlement was reached then , it was referred to the shop steward in that department , if he could n't settle it along with the member with the foreman , then he could report it to the er shop stewards committee through the auspices of the secretary or the convenor .
8 And who is that whooping it up at the bar with a glass in his hand ?
9 Finally she stepped into her chosen dress , zipping it up at the back with practised ease .
10 Knot the corners of the cloth , hang it up on a hook with the basin underneath to catch the whey .
11 Regarding the Marshall , I criticised the fact that you could n't set it up in a rack with , say , a radio system and leave it rigged , because you 'd have to unplug it every time you used it .
12 She pulled it out of the pad with shaking fingers and tore it across and across again until it was a pile of tiny white flakes all over her bed .
13 The Maritime Museum is fighting it out for the title with the National Fishing Heritage Museum in Grimsby and the Museum of Childhood in Edinburgh .
14 Ward 's side had been fighting it out on the streets with the IPLO 's Dublin-based Army Council in a row over drug money .
15 Breathe in from the diaphragm slowly through the chest to the mouth counting 1-2-3-4 then blow it back to the diaphragm with another 1-2-3-4 .
16 Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me .
17 It was water-logged , half-buried in the sand , and surprisingly heavy but she insisted that we bring it back to the car with us .
18 The bleeper attached to his belt suddenly shrilled into life and after silencing it he eased the hook from the mouth of the pike thrashing about at his feet and brushed it back into the water with the side of his boot .
19 I remembered — I 'd stuffed it back in the envelope with my dreams .
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