Example sentences of "it [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 Overall it offers an acceptable balance between performance , practically and weight .
2 Well I think all we can say with any confidence is that the patterns of evolution and behaviour going on within it today indicate that it has an apparent beginning between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago .
3 This elaboration indicates the process of social change , for it reveals an increasing separation between ‘ real polises ’ and a public who are much less likely now to accept police versions of reality ; while increasing ‘ civilianization ’ within the forces presents another perceived challenge to the defensive integrity and introspection of the institution .
4 Their response is depressing — and also debilitating — because it creates an instant polarity between what might be termed the old and new agendas of the left , when what is actually required is a synthesis .
5 It presupposes an ontological difference between ‘ material relations ’ and ‘ social relations ’ .
6 It would appear , furthermore , that the policy of maximising firm value is ideal not only from the point of view of the shareholders , but also from that of society as a whole , since , by giving proper weight to projects with a future pay- off , it strikes an optimal balance between production for present consumption and growth .
7 It has recently been edited and translated into English by D. R. Hill , who points out that ‘ horologically , it provides an important link between the water-clocks of the Hellenistic world and those of Islam ’ .
8 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a measure of its position .
9 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a sure of its position .
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