Example sentences of "it [vb -s] out the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It turns out the inventor by then had come to the conclusion that ‘ I really ought to go off and look at something else now . ’
2 One of the central features of the company is that it separates out the functions of ownership and management .
3 It holds out the promise of swifter verdicts .
4 It holds out the promise of swifter verdicts .
5 It bears out the straightforwardness of parent comments , too , in its report of how they regard headteachers , good and bad , as in these examples ( SED 1989:7 — 11 ) : The parents used to have their own meeting room .
6 It cuts out the effects of the age structure of the population which can confound simpler measures such as the crude birth-rate .
7 Budgeting often embraces both dimensions : it marks out the routines through which mothers confront , and struggle to contain , the conflict between individual health and economic survival .
8 In effect , this means that the use of feminine forms provides more specific information than the use of masculine forms can be said to provide ; it rules out the possibility of masculine reference , whereas the use of masculine forms does not rule out the possibility of feminine reference .
9 To cap its argument , it trots out the litany of RISC marketing escapades to conclude that ‘ RISC has utterly failed . ’
10 It is an ideology that calls itself pluralism when it imposes monoculture ; that speaks of choice as it snuffs out the biodiversity of the earth ; that cries democracy when it eclipses and denies all alternatives .
11 Each year it belches out the sum of 325,000 tonnes of sulphur .
12 Lechte 's ‘ Art , Love and Melancholy in the work of Julia Kristeva ’ is exemplary for the clarity with which it lays out the terms of Kristeva 's later work .
13 It sets out the order in which talks are to be held , the nature of these talks , the powers of the parties involved , the level of discussions etc .
14 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
15 The objects clause of the memorandum of association is the most important , since it sets out the purposes for which the company was formed .
16 when it prints out the bottom of like the noughts and , the bottom of the figure is missing , you can read it , it 's not important , but it 's done because the one , it wo it 's punching onto , onto metal because that paper 's not on our till receipt .
17 Described by the Tory Party chairman Sir Norman Fowler as ‘ this backdoor stealth tax ’ it cancels out the benefits for many people of the lower rate of income tax .
18 ( To ROS and GUIL ) They 're a bit out of practice , but they always pick up wonderfully for the deaths — it brings out the poetry in them .
19 Lean , versatile British lamb is so easy to use it brings out the cook in all of us .
20 It brings out the Italian in you .
21 It brings out the colour of your eyes . ’
22 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
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