Example sentences of "it [vb mod] be [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The contract for supply is for five years , after which it may be renewed at the option of Manicmotors .
2 If your father dies and you are helping your widowed mother with these matters , you can assure her that not only will she not lose her own retirement pension , but that it may be paid at an increased rate after her husband 's death .
3 The number of pregnancies that do not produce a viable infant but end in miscarriage , induced abortion or stillbirth or , of those that result in a live born baby with serious health impairment , can not be reliably assessed but it may be put at a much larger figure .
4 It should be emphasised at the outset that this is an assumption , not an empirically established or necessary truth : what theory dictates should happen in a state of perfect competition may not occur in real , imperfect markets .
5 It should be noted at the outset what is the nature of the problem with which we are concerned .
6 It should be said at the outset that this is not the usual legal meaning of the word .
7 But it should be said at the outset that none of the terms ‘ check ’ , ‘ control ’ or ‘ render accountable ’ has a single clear meaning : there are several ways of checking and controlling and several types of accountability .
8 On the other hand , despite the tone of much of the political debate in the United Kingdom , it should be said at the outset that questions such as the transfer of powers ( or sovereignty ) to the Community , the direct application and direct effect of Community law , and the correlative theory of the primacy of such provisions of Community law when they conflict with provisions of national law , were all established aspects of Community law when we joined in 1973 , and are not new problems relating to Maastricht .
9 It should be said at the outset , however , that the terminological distinction is not always maintained : it is somewhat blurred in the context of citizenship of the Union , which is inserted into the Community Treaty in a new Article 8 and 8a to 8e .
10 It is not a conflict which will lead inevitably to problems , but it should be recognised at an early stage and rectified by the Government .
11 Whatever the purpose of the meeting , it should be stated at the outset and adhered to .
12 The Bill requires the development corporation to operate the barrage so that the water immediately behind it should be maintained at a level between 4 m and 4.5 m above ordnance datum except in certain circumstances defined in the Bill .
13 In Winter it should be kept at a temperature around 58°–60°F .
14 Always grey , it should be purchased at the modishly named ‘ Suit Company ’ .
15 It should be established at the outset that many large blue-chip companies do not actually use search at all .
16 The important point is that it should be used at a time when for some reason pressure is to be taken off members of the class — putting them in what is virtually a ‘ spectator ’ role can give them time to recover from what had perhaps been inadequate non-projected work .
17 It should be stressed at the outset that maintaining that large companies are social enterprises involves no necessary finding that the root principle beneath the current rules of company law , that companies exist to make profits for the benefit of shareholders , is unsatisfactory .
18 If the identified candidate is a KPMG client , it should be informed at the time of making the approach of the firm 's role in the acquisition search ( see section 0602.1 above ) .
19 It should be harnessed at the very moment . ’
20 One of the main elements which matters to customers is that stock should be available to them when they order it , that it should be delivered at the time they request it and that it should be assembled correctly .
21 When a record can not be placed in its home position , it must be stored at an address that can be located quickly .
22 The bow may be fired three times in the shooting phase , but it must be fired at the same target ( be this a unit of troops , a monster , or whatever ) .
23 It must be done at the time .
24 But it must be recognized at the outset that as soon as sampling is carried out the statements made about the cases involved become probability statements .
25 Indeed , in the range of kinds of organisations recognisably co-operative , it must be placed at the extreme .
26 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
27 It must be remarked at the outset that it is principally between the buyer and seller that rights and obligations exist .
28 If the make-up of the device is not appropriate to its application then it must be changed at an early stage .
29 However , it must be stressed at the outset that we can do no more here than to indicate the basic principles involved , and give illustrations of a few of the almost innumerable variants of basic methods that exist .
30 It must be stressed at the outset , lest the importance of this form of liability be exaggerated , that the plaintiffs lost their case because the predominant purpose of the embargo was to promote the interests of the union members rather than to injure the plaintiffs , but their Lordships made it clear that if the predominant purpose of a combination is to injure another in his trade or business or in his other legitimate interests then , if damage results , the tort of conspiracy exists .
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