Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As the flow , or ( annual ) amount of the commodity increases , the supply price may either increase or diminish ; or it may even alternately increase and diminish .
2 Thus the very concept of totalization , distinguished from totality , must always be refused its prospective closure , for if ‘ History continually effects totalisation of totalisations ’ ( I , 15 ) it must necessarily also mean that by definition it can never be absolutely totalized .
3 Although the presence of the proctors was probably in order to assent to the lay taxes which fell upon the clergy 's temporalities , from 1341 at least they were no longer required to attend ; they were still summoned , but their absence from parliament was not deemed prejudicial to the king , no doubt because it could no longer delay or frustrate clerical taxation which was now in the hands of another body .
4 It could equally well mean that it has simply been mislaid .
5 Even if the most eminent natural philosophers of the seventeenth century were laymen , it would still not follow that all connections between science and religion were severed .
6 However , if given plenty of room it will eventually slowly establish and flourish .
7 If he does then it will almost certainly mean that he 'll be offered a directorship .
8 17.20 Pupils should know that their writing need not always be formal or follow literary models ; it can also effectively capture and record first thoughts and immediate responses and be used for note-making , collecting and shaping information etc .
9 Increasingly El Al finds it can no longer assume that people will choose to fly with it just because it is a Jewish airline .
10 Benno Baksteen , chairman of the Dutch pilots ' association , said : ‘ A sudden loss of wind can cause the aircraft to lose wind speed suddenly and to such an extent that it can no longer fly and falls . ’
11 Once the company has achieved segmentation it can more clearly concentrate and aim its promotional effort at a particular target market .
12 Sybase has been selling and supporting the tools since 1988 under the SQR Family line , which also includes the SQR Developer 's Kit developed by SQL Solutions , through its SQL Solutions consulting organisation , but it says that by merging SQ Software 's tools directly into its SQL Lifecycle tools product line , it can more effectively support and enhance them .
13 In reading Greenblatt it can too often seem that discussions of such selective parts of a play may appear to stand for the whole .
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