Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [verb] [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It may mean that all lambs expected to be put before live exporters will have to carry a flock identification mark .
2 It may appear that this information is already known but the point at issue is whether the supervisor knows and whether reality matches assumptions .
3 In the face of such variety , it may appear that any attempt to generalize from a description of one institution is doomed to failure .
4 To a junior nurse it may appear that surgical nursing is negative in its aims .
5 It is also unfair on the staff if the evaluation process is not clear in advance ; it may appear that micropolitical factors are at work in order to achieve the right ‘ result .
6 If the jury feels that a considerable number of children would read or see the article in question , and would be corrupted by the experience , it may decide that this number constitutes a significant proportion of the class which comprises the likely audience .
7 It must show that serious offences against the criminal law will be effectively dealt with .
8 In part it must mean that past generations of people have created a culture and it has been handed down to the present generation .
9 It might suggest that all bets were off on the release stakes or , ever hopeful , it might be that they were planning on letting us go and did n't want us to be able to give any hint , however vague , as to the whereabouts of the Yanks .
10 Although it might appears that this unit could be used to copy into EEPROMS , this proved impractical with my own computer because it is not capable of providing the longer write pulses necessary ( typically about 10mS ) .
11 At first sight , it might seem that this trend should have restored the feeling of stability and counteracted the sensation of transience , to which reference has been made .
12 It did n't seem much on its own but , when it was added to other suggested improvements , it could mean that each operator could put four parts on to each car in the same time . ’
13 In a revolution , where any decision may suddenly raise questions about freedom , justice , in a new form , and where every aspect of life may be brought under scrutiny , it could follow that all action , all weighing of pros and cons , is unprincipled .
14 Resolved , That if it shall appear that any person hath been elected or returned a Member of this House , or endeavoured so to be , by Bribery or any other corrupt practices , this House will proceed with the utmost severity against all such persons as shall have been wilfully concerned in such Bribery or other corrupt practices .
15 Resolved , That if it shall appear that any person hath been tampering with any Witness , in respect of his evidence to be given to this House , or any Committee thereof , or directly or indirectly hath endeavoured to deter or hinder any person from appearing or giving evidence the same is declared to be a high crime and misdemeanour ; and this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offender .
16 Resolved , That if it shall appear that any person hath given false evidence in any case before this House , or any Committee thereof , this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offender .
17 At the very least , it would show that human beings do a fortiori have some sort of privacy .
18 It would mean that British Gas would put a mileage rate on the transportation of gas so that regions such as Wales will suffer from higher gas prices , which will offset anything that we may do to achieve efficiency .
19 If what the hon. Gentleman has just said is true , surely it would mean that any Bill could be amended in almost any way in Committee , and one could subsequently play around with its title in order to accommodate the amendments .
20 The Tory party has not said that it would ensure that rural areas do not suffer disproportionately as a result .
21 If this latter proposition is true , it would suggest that most patients in whom H pylori has been eradicated are unlikely to become reinfected at a later date .
22 This is a common feature of the rational expectations hypothesis and it provides an obvious way of testing the hypothesis , for if on estimating equation ( 3.18 ) we found ‘ widely different ’ coefficients on , widely different estimates of α t , then it would suggest that either equation ( 3.6 ) is untrue or expectations are not formed rationally .
23 It would appear that all teachers will be placed in a similar position to that of teachers preparing pupils for external examinations , in that they will have set objectives , or learning outcomes , to be achieved , but will be free to plan their lessons as they think fit — especially where the core subjects are concerned .
24 It would appear that such procedures , whereby pre-existing patterns are adjusted by differential focusing , are a feature of first language learning ( see , for example , Peters 1983 ) .
25 If her figures are also valid for the geological research theses of other countries , then it would appear that geological theses are less often cited than are those on chemistry , as reported by Bottle .
26 At Helgö it would appear that each mould was used for one casting only .
27 Caught between the preaching of the Roman catholic clergy and appeals from protestants and liberal Roman catholics — including Dr FitzGerald — not to constitutionalize the issue , it would appear that many voters simply stayed away rather than vote against the proposal .
28 It would appear that oral lichen planus is only rarely associated with coeliac disease .
29 Although in some circumstances it would appear that steroid use was very sophisticated , in many instances knowledge about drugs and injection technique was very poor ’ .
30 After several false starts , it would appear that viable turboprop conversions of the Douglas DC-3 have at last come about and two companies are actively campaigning to take a slice of the market .
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