Example sentences of "it [was/were] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the first thing that 's the first thing to bear in mind , the first thing to bear in mind of course is had our previous proposals in other years been accepted Mr Mayor we would need it as it were to make these cuts from this year .
2 It was to resist this wave of caesarism that Jovellanos pressed for the summoning of a general Cortes which would represent the nation against the generals .
3 When , in the late 1920s , a critical backlash developed against films that made themselves vacuous in an attempt to match Hollywood styles , the only way people could think of doing it was to define British cinema as the opposite of Hollywood — abandoning melodrama and flamboyance for realism , restraint and understatement .
4 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
5 The balance of power was shifting back to favour the landlord , and it was to remain that way for a long time .
6 Li Yuan watched the Marshal while he talked , barely referring to the folder in his lap , unless it was to take some diagram from it and hand it to Tolonen .
7 It was to take some time before a distinct and overall Sussex people could be forged by the strength of the rulers .
8 Although the rebels had begun an air ferry with six planes they had at their disposal , it was clear that the rate of transfer thus achieved was much too slow and that the only hope of improving it was to obtain more planes from outside Spain .
9 Indeed it was to escape this commotion of the house that young Tennyson sought sanctuary and solitude in the surrounding countryside , where he could be at peace with all he beheld and find the inspiration for his poetic thoughts which he conveyed to us by his pen .
10 On the contrary , it was to hammer long balls into the Hearts penalty area at every opportunity on the grounds that such pressure would produce defensive mistakes .
11 Parreira , Gilmar , Calazans and many others maintain the championship has enormous potential if it was to run all year with matches just on Sundays , as in Italy .
12 If the government wanted to encourage a new trade in supplying meal to the populace , the last way to do it was to remove all profit from the enterprise .
13 Ramsey asked how valuable it was to have scholarly men as bishops .
14 Such case as the defence were able to make depended , like the defence in some of the cases cited above , almost entirely on the defendant 's credibility if it was to have any prospect of success and therefore the misdirection was material .
15 It was to have considerable effects upon the earlier stages of education .
16 The senator had just told me how difficult it was to extract any sense from his son , yet apparently Rickie was not so far gone as the senator had suggested .
17 Delightful as it was to meet pleasant company in such an unlikely place , I very badly wanted to exchange our fell citations on the other side of this rock .
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