Example sentences of "it [was/were] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They arranged to go out for a drink on the second evening , although Kathleen was n't really looking forward to it as it was bound to turn into a ‘ What was the name of that blonde with the big chest ? ’ sort of session and she would end up driving them both home and quite likely putting them both to bed !
2 Gosport was found to be ‘ virtually without defence , protected on the landward side only by an ill-maintained entrenchment … which would fall at the first assault ’ , while the Isle of Wight contained so few troops , so thinly scattered , that it was bound to succumb to a determined attack .
3 I solved the problem — vaporising petrol — shortly before I changed the car , but it was determined to go with a bang .
4 As a result of the Pilot Study , it was decided to proceed with a seven day diary rather than a one day diary , but that a methodological component should be built into the Survey to monitor the quality of the data .
5 They looked at the low asset base and in the end it was decided to go for a trade sale . ’
6 In May 1977 the policy was amended , when it was decided to concentrate on a few tourist growth points in areas of rural depopulation where there was unrealized tourist potential .
7 It was decided to enter into a fixed price ‘ design and build ’ contract with a major firm and to appoint an external project manager to oversee the building work .
8 At this vow , which he had repeated to her so often it was beginning to sound like a mantra , Ashley frowned .
9 We are unanimously of the opinion that the settlement was a sham on the facts in the sense that it was made to appear as a genuine gift when it was not .
10 Iraqi Turkoman groups meeting in Istanbul on Nov. 9 called for a " unitary Iraqi state " but indicated that " if , in a free referendum to be held in Iraq under the supervision of neighbouring countries , including Turkey " , it was agreed to opt for a solution " based on ethnic structure " , Iraqi Turkomans would " exercise their right of self-determination within this structure " .
11 As a result of what was reportedly a wide-ranging discussion , it was agreed to establish as a prelude to discussion of the Union Treaty two bilateral commissions to negotiate on the most contentious issues in USSR-Russian Federation relations , namely the delineation of state powers , ownership of state property , and the rights to dispose of natural resources .
12 Nobel is now seeking repayment of the SKr19 200m capital contribution it was pressurised to make to a 14-bank consortium to save Gamlestaden .
13 If she marched out , it was going to turn into a major incident .
14 Then there came it think it was the gearbox or something went on the gar , you know , because I tow a caravan , and the car just would n't pull the caravan , and it was going to cost over a thousand pounds and that like .
15 Now , Fiona was thought to be a suitable bride for my father-just the right age , pretty and vivacious enough it was thought to appeal to a man who was beginning to be known as a confirmed bachelor . ’
16 when it was proposed to apply for a bill to make a line from Wolverhampton to Montgomery , and afterwards to abandon the latter part of the line , no meeting was called to ascertain the views of the district on the proposed abandonemtn of the part between Lydham Heath and Montgomery .
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