Example sentences of "it [was/were] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 on to floor and it runs , it just , it ran down into corner , there 's a a wheel , thing , and the cheek well it 's a a pulley wheel , and it , it were looking round the big handle at pulley wheel at me .
2 If it were joined with the Legislative Power , the power over the life and liberty of citizens would be arbitrary , because the Judge would be Legislator .
3 Whilst recognising the central role of managers in providing counselling in these circumstances , consideration should be given , in exceptional cases , to whether this form of support would be delivered more effectively if it were separated from the normal manager/employee relationship .
4 Unsuccessful attempts to replace it were made in the fifties and sixties .
5 The magnification tells you how much larger an object looks that if it were viewed with the naked eye .
6 If this can be established as an objective truth , then this would indeed make a correctionalist approach misguided — although only if it were committed to the total elimination of deviance .
7 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
8 In the fifteenth century London remained under merchant rule : all but 6 of the 88 men who were mayor during it were drawn from the 6 greatest companies , the mercers , grocers , drapers , fishmongers , goldsmiths and skinners .
9 George Wade then took over the studio of Sir J. Edgar Boehm [ q.v. ] and in 1891 his bust of I. J. Paderewski was so appreciated that 500 reproductions of it were ordered for the American market alone .
10 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
11 The advancing edge or step is now twice the normal height and so would require twice the amount of new material if it were to advance at the same rate as the other layers .
12 It was condemned by the English bishops , who found twenty-nine heretical propositions in it .
13 The German government , citing cost and changed security needs following the end of the Cold War , confirmed on June 30 that it was to withdraw from the multinational European Fighter Aircraft ( EFA ) project .
14 Gaskell was actively involved with the firm until the 1870s , after which he remained a director until November 1890 , when it was absorbed into the United Alkali Co .
15 It was confirmed by the Constitutional Tribunal on Jan. 30 , 1991 , after much discussion , including opposition from the Orthodox Church and secular associations .
16 He seeks to restore the status quo as it was between July 1990 and September 1991 and as it was confirmed by the Australian court in the divorce proceedings .
17 Also , and much to the point , it was farmed by the same obliging farmer , Mr Healey .
18 And what happened you see , the wind got up during the night , and this small fire we had you see , started spreading back among the undergrowth , and then the more it was back , the bigger it was t gaining ground , and it was getting to the old stuff do you see , And then it was a good flare then .
19 On this basis , Mr Davies , a local Transport and General Workers Union official , will have captured the nomination if he took just over half of Ms Wilson 's vote when it was redistributed in the second ballot .
20 Perhaps it was caused by the complicated influences of the valley where the men seemed so often to remain unmarried , sometimes perhaps because , as Beuno held , their mothers said there was no one good enough for them , sometimes because there simply was n't anyone .
21 But if they were to examine that bullet hole and find it was caused by the same sort of gun that killed her … ’
22 It was questioned within the International Law Commission whether the Vienna Convention on International Organisations should differentiate between a State that is completely outside the treaty relationship , ‘ a stranger ’ , and a member of the organisation , a non-party to a particular treaty concluded by the organisation , but nevertheless bound by its commitments of membership .
23 It was seen as the key element in the proposed transformation of the nation .
24 As it happened , re-emigration was a non-starter , but it remained government policy and , until the war , it was seen as the only long-term solution to the refugee problem .
25 In the mid-1970s , it was seen by the Labour administration as part of a comprehensive strategy towards regional economic and physical development in that the SDA 's activities were to be mirrored in Wales by the Welsh Development Agency ( WDA ) and in England by the National Enterprise Board ( NEB ) .
26 It was seen in the last chapter how minority ethnic and religious strands in the Smolensk guberniia presented a potential , though not an actual , source of unified protest against the central Great-Russian regime .
27 The reason for that is it was done on the old viewing system .
28 It was done with the best of motives .
29 And it was done for the best , although I must admit it did n't turn out like that .
30 And er this of course er we th the office was being run I would think in the early twenties very much like it was done in the late nineties .
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