Example sentences of "it [is] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In other words it 's , it 's sticking from east to west , people will know of all the thing , it 's er tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts were called and reclined at the table , in other words this , well this good news that Jesus was sticking on this
2 I can assure you , from some very solid experience , it 's asking for trouble to be obstructive . ’
3 Right , and stem the bleeding if you can see where it 's coming from attempt to stem the bleeding , bung the hole up , okay ?
4 At an early stage it is formed in relation to the child 's experience , especially its relationships with other children in play .
5 After monitoring the performance of the engine on the rig , it is prepared for despatch to the customer .
6 It is supported by reference to section 10(4) , section 11(1) and section 37(1) of the Act which provide as follows :
7 Skill is a functional concept aimed at the understanding of how it is done without recourse to the detail of underlying physiological mechanisms .
8 The nature of the movement of goods can only be understood if it is seen in relation to the complex and changing framework of society .
9 The most sustained recent discussion of the nature of the ‘ academic ’ is to be found in the journal Minerva ( see Shils 1984 ; Lobkowicz 1984 ; Ruegg 1986 ) where it is explored in relation to concepts such as truth , inquiry , research , culture ( Bildung ) , community , rationality , disinterestedness , voluntary solidarity and equality among researchers ; though one should not overlook Broady 's ( 1978–9 ) stimulating attack on mere academicism .
10 For these reasons , however valuable Bourdieu 's work may be in identifying the patterns and relationships or the society or mass consumption , it is limited with respect to the present project .
11 It is limited in comparison to our human potential , but it is nonetheless communication .
12 It is written in Latin to someone in authority to ask for warmer clothes and above all for the return of his Hebrew Bible , grammar and dictionary .
13 ‘ if it is demonstrated by reference to authority binding on this court , or by reference to clearly established principles of the common law , that the appellants were rightly held to have committed the actus reus of contempt of court , this court can not apply directly the terms of the Convention so as to reach a different conclusion .
14 A rent will be unascertainable if it is fixed by reference to facts which can not be known at the date of the lease , eg the market rental value at a future date .
15 ‘ For the purposes of this Article an article or substance is not to be regarded as properly used where it is used without regard to any relevant information or advice relating to its use which has been made available by a person by whom it was designed , manufactured , imported or supplied . ’
16 It is used with reference to education , and does not divide the pupils sharply into two groups with totally different needs .
17 Granada uses these reports to see how well it is performing in relation to its contract .
18 An order for payment of money or for the transfer of assets can not be an order intended to restore parties to transactions to their former positions unless it is known in relation to each transaction in question ( a ) who were the parties ( b ) what the nature of the transaction was and ( c ) what assets or money each party to the transaction had paid or transferred to the others .
19 It is thought to date to the Hadrianic period .
20 In addition , it is supplemented from time to time by statements of practice or policy issued by the Panel .
21 It is obvious that environmental factors exert a far-reaching influence on this particular AL and , indeed , the concept of ‘ safety ’ has no real meaning unless it is considered in relation to ‘ the environment ’ .
22 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
23 Even if the money is paid in the action accompanied by a declaration that it is paid without prejudice to the payer 's right to recover it , the payment is a voluntary payment , and the transaction is closed .
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