Example sentences of "it [vb past] like a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He shakes his head and I get a shiver , remembering just that gesture of his , repeated and repeated so that it became like a nervous tic after a while , back in Strathspeld , after Clare 's funeral in ‘ 89 ; a gesture of disbelief , refusal , non-acceptance .
2 It became like a social visit .
3 She was wearing a plaid dressing-gown that her Dad had left behind : it smelled like an old dog and was as scratchy and heavy as wearing a carpet .
4 It tasted like a nutty lemon .
5 A C2 might be a joy to paddle on a dancing rapid but out on the Pacific Ocean it behaved like a submersible beast .
6 It came like an electric shock .
7 We just were n't used to driving in the country then , it seemed like a long way from
8 It seemed like a complete breakdown ; but after a few minutes he saw that they were playing as if they had always played this way .
9 A bank of sand separated between the sea and an inner expanse of shore , in which the bed of Rossie Burn was pillowed among undulating slopes clad with a profusion of sea-grasses ; at full tide it seemed like a fresh-water lake , at ebb tide but a marshy waste , only the stream meandering along its time-worn groove .
10 Also , academic life had not exactly left me well-off and it seemed like a good idea to try to earn a slightly larger salary so that I would have something to put towards my eventual retirement .
11 ‘ The hotel bar was closed and we were all famished so it seemed like a good idea to trek down to the local ‘ pub ’ to search out a few sarnies , ’ says Gedge .
12 You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea , after a year or two .
13 It seemed like a good idea to ask for ‘ guinea pigs ’ to test the diet .
14 Becoming entangled in the web you have woven ; after all , ‘ it seemed like a good idea at the time ’ .
15 It seemed like a good idea at the time , but that time , I could feel , was running out , and I could see that in a very few years it would have run .
16 Justifying my needs was difficult , but with retirement looming up it seemed like a good idea .
17 ‘ Yeah , it seemed like a good idea at the time … ’
18 ‘ Because it seemed like a good idea at the time . ’
19 Then , there 's never been a shortage of contributions for London 's musical guidebook ; have all helped to flesh out its pages , along with ‘ Kings Cross ’ , a song that the Pet Shop Boys wrote ( a ) ‘ Because it 's the London terminus you reach if you come down from the North-East ’ ; ( b ) Chris Lowe lived there ; and ( c ) ‘ It seemed like a good title about people waiting .
20 The picture could be executed by a company called Scanachrome in which I already had some interest and it seemed like a good opportunity to get involved with the process .
21 It seemed like a good argument for eliminating me .
22 She concedes , ‘ We are aware that a market for these Japanese artists does not yet exist , but it seemed like a good moment .
23 In the meantime , my thirteenth birthday was coming up , and it seemed like a good time to revive my request for the perfect present : a bird of prey .
24 It seemed like a good option — a chance for chaos .
25 The switchboard answered quickly and it seemed like a good omen .
26 It seemed like a good deal so we went down to Rufford to check the company out .
27 It was the same at the funeral , they were all so quiet , the four men who brought in the coffin wore thick soft-soled shoes so as not to make a noise , nothing must interrupt so that it seemed like a silent film unreeling to the sound of psalms .
28 It seemed like a fucking lifetime .
29 It seemed like a huge sword of Damocles hanging over the sprinters ' heads .
30 I immediately agreed because it seemed like a natural idea for me .
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