Example sentences of "it [vb past] out that [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It turned out that a mathematically-respectable ‘ electroweak ’ theory required three exchange particles for the weak force : two electrically charged particles , W+ and W- , and a third neutral partner which has become known as the Zo .
2 It turned out that the weekly sales meeting was on Monday mornings .
3 I sent her Nit Ac LM1 and did n't hear anything for a year when she rang up with a headache — it turned out that the anal fissure had cleared quickly and she felt she had been miraculously well given her sister had been murdered 12mths previously and she 'd had 4 months leave of absence from work to deal with the aftermath which had involved her nephew joining the family .
4 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
5 After his partner in a film production company was arrested for financial fraud , it turned out that the charming , fast-talking McDevitt had also been convicted in a bungled 1980 art robbery that mirrored the Gardner theft .
6 It pointed out that a recent packaging industry report on the packaging of liquids for human consumption had revealed a marked increase in the amount of energy and waste involved in the period 1986-90 .
7 It pointed out that a prolonged period of profits growth at ISC had ended because of insistence by the auditors that ISC adopt more conservative accounting policies on long term contracts .
8 The IIF cautiously welcomed the debt-reduction agreements struck with Mexico and the Philippines [ see p. 37243 ; p. 37580 for their respective finalization ] , but it pointed out that the two countries had continued to service their obligations during negotiation of the deals , in contrast with other middle-income debtor nations seeking relief under the plan .
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