Example sentences of "it [adv] [adj] that this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They say that the police could stop the violence overnight if the Special Patrol Group was assigned to patrol the area , or if the Home Office made it sufficiently clear that this kind of activity must stop .
2 It is noticeable that a number of other politicians abroad have made it perfectly clear that this country becomes a more attractive place for investment — and therefore for jobs and prosperity — because we are not committed to the costs of the social chapter .
3 ‘ In publicly announcing the withdrawal of its remaining occupation forces from Korea , the US should make it unmistakably clear that this step in no way constitutes a lessening of US support of the Government of the Republic of Korea , but constitutes rather another step towards the regularisation by the US of its relations with that Government and a fulfilment on the part of the US of the relevant provision of the GA Resolution [ UN General Assembly ] of December 12 , 1948 . ’
4 ‘ None the less , ’ he said , turning again to face them with a calm and decided countenance , ‘ I think it indeed needful that this march should come into the justiciar 's hands rather than Earl Richard 's .
5 Terrorist offences , which do not fit easily into systems of justice devised for other purposes , make it doubly important that this ideal is preserved .
6 She thought it quite wonderful that this kind man , who was not married , who had a job , who was on Lambeth Council 's housing list , actually wanted Tina to go and live with him .
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