Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It duly noted that extra money would not necessarily buy better health .
2 It only means that certain sets of economic processes are more referrent to a local area than others .
3 It so happens that other chemists , supporting more conventional organic ‘ primeval soup ’ theories , have long accepted that clay minerals would have been a help .
4 ( If it so happens that yellow wallpaper does take away your appetite , then for you it is relevant . )
5 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
6 It thus seemed that serial processing was confined to verbal stimuli .
7 It thus appears that previous knowledge of a junction had almost no overall effect on recognition sensitivity in this task .
8 This is true for all points above the LM curve and it similarly follows that upward pressure will be exerted on interest rates at all points below the LM curve .
9 It also warns that radioactive sediments will be disrupted and redistributed particularly during heavy storms in the Irish Sea , and says that the longer-term consequences of such redistribution are difficult to predict .
10 The Movement recognised this , as it also recognised that administrative pressures were working against a concerted attempt to preserve religious unity .
11 It also recommended that new entrants to the industry should be encouraged to attend short induction courses providing practically oriented instruction and information on opportunities in industry ; and that craft education should be founded on two interrelated phases , normally completed within two or three years depending on whether or not full-time study is included , leading to a national craft qualification .
12 It also meant that well-trained war-horses were immensely valuable assets .
13 It also meant that financial institutions put less of their funds into gilt-edged stocks and , in consequence , were more ready to purchase other fixed-interest securities .
14 It also recognises that day-to-day business and executive authority is vested in line management .
15 It also indicates that sufficient rock of suitable quality exists in remote coastal locations in Scotland and other parts of North West Europe .
16 It also indicates that sufficient rock of suitable quality exists in remote coastal locations in Scotland and other parts of North West Europe .
17 It also means that other executives calculating the odds will most likely decide that their jobs , their friendship network , and their club affiliations will not be put at risk .
18 It also means that other staff are free to concentrate on what he calls ‘ business logic ’ — or a customer 's business requirements .
19 Not only does sectoralisation make it difficult for planners and administrators to gain an overall view , it also means that local institutions have to adopt a similar structure in order to deal adequately with the central bureaucracy .
20 This has the obvious advantage that all countries match their local time to the hours of daylight , but it also means that different countries have different local times .
21 Writing about local government , Clarke and Stewart argue that a strategic perspective ‘ places a premium on the role of the chief executive and its support ; it also demands that senior management of service and support departments set their ’ separate sectional interests within a wider strategic perspective .
22 It also predicts that real commodity prices will continue to weaken , with another average decline of 2 per cent projected for 1988 .
23 Perhaps even more worryingly it also predicts that French companies will benefit more than either .
24 It also required that industrial action be supported by union members in a pre-strike ballot if the union was to be exempt from civil action for damages arising from the dispute .
25 It also stated that public money had been used to fund two other black organizations , the Federal Independent Association ( FIDA ) , a conservative group strongly opposed to sanctions , and the Eagles , which anti-apartheid activists alleged was responsible for vigilante actions in the townships .
26 It also demonstrates that alternative behaviour patterns may well be more desirable and effective , and these can be tested out within the safety of drama .
27 If this was the case , then although the present analysis has concluded that the prevalence of known opioid use was still increasing in 1985–6 , it also suggests that annual incidence had peaked and was declining .
28 But it also suggests that industrial relations have a relative autonomy of their own , and hence are an independent influence on the railways ' response to the pressures of commercialism .
29 It also suggests that educational reforms will be of limited success unless complemented by policies such as contract compliance which act directly upon demand-side institutions .
30 It also highlights that functional deterioration , particularly in those with progressive disorders , may not be detected owing to inadequate or infrequent reassessments , or both .
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