Example sentences of "it [prep] be [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 if some of them just do it to be on the television .
2 Has the ship building industry cooperated , with Europe perhaps , to enable it to be at the forefront ?
3 Rigorists rejected compromise : they would surrender nothing and understood it to be of the essence of their Christian allegiance that every Lord 's day they would unfailingly celebrate the eucharist .
4 Morley had the concept ; in Paul Rutherford 's words , ‘ Morley had his strategy all worked out , he wanted it to be like the Sex Pistols — all the outrage , controversy — but this time with all the sex ’ , and it was rumoured that he was first interested in Bronski Beat for the Frankie role — they turned him down .
5 Not surprisingly , trades unions have co-operated in the development of this age discriminatory policy , believing it to be in the interests of their older and younger members alike .
6 Fisheries Minister Jan Henry Olsen said a quota would be set after the meeting of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) in Kyoto in May but that he expected it to be in the range of a " few hundred " minke whales a year .
7 We do n't have a in our business as many other retailers do where for instance after Christmas may be and other such things to clear we do n't have that , so there is n't any merchandise that 's been sold since Christmas that has been sold because we do n't want it to be in the inventory post year end it 's it 's just generating trade by being discount price left so therefore to a certain amount your question would be has the post Christmas and it was pre Christmas no material difference we 're very satisfied with the gross margins since Christmas we have n't had to take any extraordinary measures to generate this erm this level of sales increase that 's being achieved at constant margin a flat margin
8 Is it to be in the Town Hall ?
9 client 's best interests a transaction which is fee or commission earning can not be recommended or effected unless the Firm reasonable believes it to be in the Client 's best interests
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