Example sentences of "it [prep] the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The temptation to say the coin caused the bar to come out can be explained by seeing it for the ordinary cause that it was , and of what event it was the cause , and of what nearby event it was not the cause .
2 I think one of the problems is , that a lot of shoppers do n't realize that they 're entering into a contract and we do n't realize it for the simple reason that most people have , as soon as you hear the word contract you have a mental image of a legal document that you sign , do n't you ?
3 His eye fell on it for the first time as it sprang onto the marble plinth and clutched at the neck of the vase to steady itself .
4 THESE FOUR boxes of action highlights from Pickwick enable the devout to exhume the 1992 World Cup , feeling it again as if they were in attendance in Australasia once more or seeing much of it for the first time if sleep and work schedules got in the way during those 33 hectic days and nights .
5 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
6 They won it for the outstanding service that they had given two clients , Comfort Cooling and PSA .
7 Nuisances and abominations of all sorts are without scruple committed to the streets at any hour of the day of night , to await the morning visit of the scavenger to remove them : and happy indeed is it for the humble pedestrian if his eye and nose alone suffer from these ejectments ; happy indeed if he comes not in contact with them , as they make their unceremonious exit from window or door …
8 I support the intention of the Bill and its important deterrent aspects , and I shall support it for the same reason as the hon. Member for Oxford , East , but I must confess that I do so with some reluctance at this stage .
9 I would rather have no bolts and the romantic ethic — leave it for the next generation if it requires a bolt .
10 ‘ Still , could n't you get away from it for the next week or so — till she 's gone back ? ’
11 ‘ I do n't know if Bobby will break into the Great Britain team for the World Cup final against Australia in October , but he should make it for the next series and then hang on to the job .
12 when they 've got to do the road or something they want somebody to do it for the three weeks or
13 The bantering tone remained in Surere 's voice but he added edge to it for the last word or two .
14 One though , Urathion of Ullar , saw it for the world-destroying madness that it was .
15 So what was it about the wretched man that cut straight through her defences ?
16 Er I mean it brings it about the same price as we 're paying anyway does n't it ?
17 They see it as the ultimate proof that there must originally have been a designer , not a blind watchmaker but a far-sighted supernatural watchmaker .
18 One Bank of England official described it as the biggest scandal since the South Sea Bubble .
19 She read it through the following morning and decided not to send it , but a small niggle of grievance stayed in her mind .
20 Pop the end of the yarn beneath this cone , threading it through the little arm as usual and away you go .
21 Why ca n't they take it through the back door and up the stair ?
22 Anthony Lewis , taking its heading at face value , inserted it between the final verse and chorus ; but these are musically continuous , and totally unrelated to it .
23 I build to it during the lost-in-the-wood speech and then it starts a bit uncertainly and then they really get it and it hits the show like a trumpet solo .
24 If you leave it til the last minute and you question spot , you might end up in a sticky situation How many people here have failed an exam ?
25 Anna stopped and swung up her camera , angling it towards the shattered trunk and the grotesquely tortured boughs .
26 Emilia , I think it of the utmost importance that … ’
27 I 've just p is it near the front door because I 've just put it back on her .
28 Without that proof , we would hold it against the conditional theory that it can not even show that we know that we are not brains in a vat .
29 And she frightened it into the supreme effort that carried it up , soaring and stretching , reaching beyond any achievement it knew of , until , by a hairsbreadth , it gained the crest of the fallen trunk .
30 Even , even though they may be er , the they may work as a result of different o of the same enzyme activity in some cases the target for that enzyme activity and the receptors that have put it into the specific cells that are targeted lead to really very different biological effects .
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