Example sentences of "is only a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the mass production enterprise the individual worker is dwarfed by the machinery which is experienced as producing a sense of threat and inadequacy , even though , in actuality , the machinery is only a realisation of man 's logical thinking in response to the requirements of high technical efficiency .
2 And it is only a question of time before cholera , raging in northern Brazil , reaches Rio .
3 This is only a bar to registration if the first mark is registered in respect of " the same goods or description of goods " .
4 There is only a bottle of beer in the dining-room . ’ )
5 That is only a part of life , and as it no longer concerns us , why should it hold us together ?
6 Textual reality is only a fraction of reality ; the whole is unknowable and , possibly , unspeakable .
7 Saying ‘ I love you ’ is only a declaration of taste .
8 Without this signature , however excellent the terms are , the contract is only a piece of paper .
9 Executors we 've dealt with and expenses , alterations I 've just dealt with er Oh if you want to change you mind , and remember a will is only a piece of paper until you die , you can change your mind as often as you like I have made a will in the past Four wills in one year for one of my clients , his right he 's perfectly entitled to do that er and it 's better that you alter it frequently if your circumstances change than that you do n't be aware of how things go in the way that you do n't want them do .
10 A licence coupled with an interest , e.g. a profit , is irrevocable , as although the licence itself is only a right in personam , it confers a right in rem to do something once an entry has been made .
11 We have even used words like ‘ selfish ’ and ‘ ruthless ’ of genes , knowing full well it is only a figure of speech .
12 Nowadays we are justified in saying that there is only a difference of intensity between this school and the manifestations which preceded it . ’
13 The gain is in the emotion of love not in the greed of wanting some other person 's love which is only a form of acquisitiveness and immediately defiles love .
14 A well-known publisher , Anthony Blond , writes ‘ The design and appearance of a general book matters but not too much : after all , printing is only a form of communication and rarely an end in itself .
15 Perhaps however it is only a matter of degree .
16 As I pointed out earlier , even those scientists who are most eager to assure us that the difference between man and other animals is only a matter of degree always conduct their experiments in a way which implies that the observer is quite different in kind from what he observes .
17 The distribution of work between the divisions of that court is only a matter of convenience ; the Queen 's Bench Division can never say ‘ here a matter of Equity is involved ; we can not decide it ’ , or the Chancery Division ‘ this is a question of Common Law ; you ought to have gone to a Common Law Court ’ .
18 But the group is convinced that it is only a matter of time before someone discovers superconducting semiconductors that will work at the economically viable temperatures of liquid nitrogen .
19 It is only a matter of time before somebody decides to rubbish the whole global warming theory out of sheer desperation at finding a new angle .
20 The language , though , is gratingly anachronistic — no one has actually said ‘ hopefully ’ yet , but I fear it is only a matter of time .
21 Such a move is only a matter of time , but the time-scale will vary considerably from authority to authority depending on the phasing-in of their delegation schemes and the speed at which they restructure the various service departments to meet the new role which has to be created within the strategy and time-scale set down by the legislation .
22 He remembered the old adage from his studies , ‘ If a problem exists then a logical solution must also exist It is only a matter of time before you find it ’ .
23 With this area desensitized , it is only a matter of time before the sensitivity of faith 's communication is also numbed .
24 It is only a matter of time before we can decode them fully .
25 Coastguards fear it is only a matter of time before a sightseer is injured in the hazardous scramble down rocks onto the ship 's deck .
26 It is interesting to note that stereo sound is already featured on some video recorders and camcorders , and it seems that it is only a matter of time before it becomes standard as for sound recorders .
27 And bankers UBS Phillips and Drew predicted : ‘ It is only a matter of time before the Chancellor 's strategy falls completely apart . ’
28 But many experts think it is only a matter of time before Chancellor Norman Lamont is forced to raise them .
29 However , the policy of equal treatment is now firmly on the agenda and it is only a matter of time before men and women will be entitled to their State pension at the same age .
30 Moreover O'Connell believes that the commoditisation of the computer hardware industry means it is only a matter of time before software becomes a commodity too .
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