Example sentences of "is quite [adj] [to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite usual to find large joints of roast beef and pork for slicing on the delicatessen counter , but two of the more interesting meats to reach us in recent years have been smoked turkey and pastrami .
2 As further examples of postverbals we may cite : ( 50 ) Lola felt angry ( 51 ) the victim was standing very erect ( 52 ) it was the oldest competitor who emerged victorious As was also true with the adverbals and predicate qualifiers , it is quite easy to distinguish postverbal adjectives from adverbs occupying the same structural position ; in some examples we find a substantial difference of meaning : ( 53 ) Margaret was acting incompetently ( 54 ) Margaret was acting incompetent ( See Ferris , 1983 , though we would no longer seek to explain the data in the way proposed there . )
3 He exhibits a number of adjectives which differ in precisely the way required while maintaining the same or essentially the same lexical value ( we modify his examples slightly where it is possible to do so without damage to his case , so as to make the distinction sharper ) : ( 19 ) visible stars vs stars visible the only navigable rivers vs the only rivers navigable a handy tool vs are your tools handy ? guilty people vs people guilty As it happens , the examples which Bolinger uses employ words which can make the distinction a rather subtle one , with perhaps the exception of visible stars ( a group recognized astronomically ) beside stars visible ; but it is quite easy to produce further instances which seem to confirm his view : ( 20 ) a complaining visitor vs a visitor complaining the eligible bachelor vs the bachelor eligible In other cases , the divergence of lexical value between the two positions may be greater but still with the characteristic value for the former , and the occasion value for the latter : ( 21 ) the responsible man vs the man responsible a sorry sight vs the girl is sorry He notes that the acceptability of an adjective in pre-adjunct position may apparently depend on whether or not it can be regarded as indicating a relatively enduring characteristic of what is expressed by the noun , as in : ( 22 ) the faint girl vs the girl is faint an asleep man vs a man asleep This possibility of course depends not only on the adjective itself but also on the nature of the noun being qualified , so that " when one scratches one 's head the result is not *a scratched head but when one scores a glass surface the result is a scratched surface " .
4 He told a commons committee debating the order : ‘ It is quite misleading to describe several orders as landlordism of the sea .
5 It is quite appropriate to apply political criteria to a political statement such as a manifesto , or policy document .
6 Luckily , as most of us have neither the money nor the time to undertake major remodelling , it is quite possible to make significant changes without going to the bank for a loan or calling in a builder .
7 This is a lesson well learned in terms of the aquarium also , as it is quite impossible to keep reef-building corals and the large number of anemones and various other coelenterates which depend on this association with zooxanthellae , in captivity , without high-intensity lighting of the correct spectral range .
8 More generally , it is quite difficult to find sensible ways of combining phrase searching with word searching .
9 She is also hugely inquisitive , and unless they have planned their route carefully , and can keep safely abreast of her , Diana is quite likely to open interesting-looking doors to see what is behind them .
10 It is quite common to insert further provisions prohibiting the offeree group from entering into contracts or commitments involving more than a stated sum or for a longer period than , say , a year , or entering into other transactions which are outside the routine course of trading without the consent of the acquirer .
11 As a result , it is quite common to find competing explanations of a single set of events , each presupposing the truth of just those premises — whether holist or individualist — which themselves require to be established .
12 It is quite common to find teenage mothers written about as people with certain medical and social problems .
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